Bloomberg to Wire Millions to EDF to Support Fracking Project

Bloomberg Philanthropies is close to wiring $6 million or more to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in support of the corporatist environmental group’s fracking project, according to sources close to the deal.

Environmentalists say fracking – or hydraulic fracturing – could poison water supplies. The natural gas industry defends the safety of the process.

New York City Michael Bloomberg  takes a “not in my backyard” position –  no fracking in areas that threaten the New York City watershed, but it’s okay elsewhere.

EDF’s man on natural gas and fracking is Scott Anderson.

Earlier this year, Anderson told Corporate Crime Reporter that EDF was leading a coalition effort with natural gas companies – including Southwestern Energy – to develop to a draft model law to regulate the industry at the state level.

One provision of the draft – titled Audit and Enforcement – would have given the state regulator the authority to visit a well site to inspect the facility, cite the operator for violations, and issue a fine. But that provision was redlined out of the draft.

Bloomberg’s Peggy Duxbury and EDF’s Anderson did not return calls seeking comment.

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