Interviews 1987 to 2024

Every week, the print edition features a question/answer format interview.

The first ever issue of Corporate Crime Reporter — published April 13, 1987 — featured an interview with Rudolph Giuliani, then U.S. Attorney in Manhattan.

We haven’t missed a week since.

Here’s the list of our interviews over the last 38 years.

The question/answer format interview is available only in the print edition of Corporate Crime Reporter.

We publish 48 times a year.

Subscription information available here.




Rudolph Giuiliani, United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, 1.1 4/13/87

Kenneth Oden, County Attorney, Travis County, Texas 1.2.6, 4/20/87

Jay Magnuson, Deputy Chief, Cook County State’s Attorney 1.3.7, 4/27/87

Roger Andewelt, Antitrust Division, Justice Department, 1.7.4, 5/25/87

Judson Starr, Chief Environmental Crimes Section, Department of Justice, 1.4.5, 5/4/87

Julian Greenspun, Former Deputy Chief of Litigation, Department of Justice, 1.5.5, 5/11/87

Richard Daynard, Tobacco Products Liability Project, Northeastern University, 1.6.4, 5/18/87

Gary Lynch, Director of Enforcement, Securities and Exchange Commission, 1.8.5, 6/1/87

Ira Reiner, District Attorney Los Angeles County, 1.9.4. 6/8/87

Joseph Kinney, Executive Director, National Safe Workplace Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1.10.4, 6/15/87

John Braithwaite, Australian National University, 1.11.4, 6/22/87

Otto Obermaier, Obermaier, Morvillo, Abramowitz & Iason, 1.12.5, 6/29/87

J. Davitt McAteer, Occupational Safety and Health Law Center, Washington, D.C., 1.13.87, 7/6/87

G. Robert Blakey, Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School, 1.15.87, 7/20/87

Marshall Clinard, 1.16.5, 7/27/87

Terry Lenzner, Rogovin, Huge & Lenzner, Investigative Group Inc., Washington, D.C. 1.17.5, 8/3/87

Kenneth Feinberg, Kay, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler, Washington, D.C., 1.18.4, 8/10/87

Anthony Langone, IRS Criminal Investigations, 1.19.12

Richard Beckler, Fulbright & Jaworski, Washington, D.C., 1.20.7, 9/7/87

Donald Zoeller, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Washington, D.C., 1.21.5, 9/14/87

William J. Maakestad, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 1.22.10, 9/21/98

Joseph Wells, Wells & Associates, Austin, Texas, 1.23.9, 9/28/87

Michael Scheininger, McKenna, Conner & Cuneo, Washington, D.C., 1.24.6, 10/5/87

James Broshnahan, Morrison & Foerster, San Francisco, California, 1.25.11, 10/12/87

John Nance, Aerospace Expert, Tacoma, Washington, 1.17.6, 10/26/87

Robert Showers, National Obscenity Enforcement Unit, Department of Justice, 1.28.6, November 2, 1987

John Phillips, Center for Law in the Public Interest, Los Angeles, California, 1.29.5, 11/9/87

Donald Mancuso, DODIG, Washington, D.C., 1.30.5, 11/16/87

Stuart Hills, Professor of Sociology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, 1.31.19, 11/23/87

Timothy Dorch, White Collar Crime Section, FBI, Washington, D.C., 1.32.6, 11/30/87

James Meyer, North American Securities Administrators Association, Washington, D.C., 1.33.9, 11/7/87

Arthur Bryant, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, 1.34.7, 12/14/87

Wendell Harness, Insurance Crime Prevention Institute, Westport, Connecticut, 1.35.6, 12/21/87


Peter French, Trinity University, Department of Philosophy, San Antonio, Texas, 2.1.7, 1/11/88

Rick Hind, USPIRG, Washington, D.C. 2.2.6, 1/18/88

Henry Habicht II, Perkins, Coie, Washington, D.C. 2.3.6, 1/25/88

James Atkinson, American Society for Industrial Security, 2.4.5, 2/1/88

Larry May, Professor of Philosophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2.5.6, 2/8/88

John Kelly, Chief State’s Attorney, Connecticut, 2.8.13, 2/29/88

Raymond Banoun, Arent, Fox, Washington, D.C. 2.9.8, 3/7/88

Joseph DiGenova, Bishop, Cook, Washington, D.C. 2.10.5, 3/14/88

Robert Bennett, Dunnells, Duvall, Washington, D.C., 2.11.11, 3/21/88

Robert Ogden, Pettit & Martin, Washington, D.C., 2.12.9, 3/28/88

Samuel Buffone, Asbill, Junkin, 2.13.7, 4/4/88

Frank Dunham, Cohen, Gettings, Alexandria, Virginia, 2.14.6, 4/11/88

Walter Adams, Professor of Economics, Michigan State University, 2.15.8, 4/18/88

William Weld, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2.16.6, 4/25/88

Raymond Maria, IG, Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 2.17.5, 5/2/88

William Jeffress, Miller, Cassidy, Washington, D.C., 2.18.5, 5/9/88

Charles Rule, Antitrust Division, Justice Department, Washington, D.C. 2.19.7

Clarence Ditlow, Center for Auto Safety, 2.20.8, 5/23/88

Edward Dennis, Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Washington, D.C. 2.21.8, 5/30/88

Jeffrey White, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 2.22.8, 6/6/88

James Jacobs, New York University, 2.23.11, 6/13/88

Dennis Tomko, Doke & Riley, Dallas, Texas, 2.24.7, 6/20/88

Ernest Fitzgerald, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 2.25.11, 6/27/88

2.26 No interview

Rob Hager, Private Attorney, Washington, D.C. 2.27.11, 7/22/88

Robert Plotkin, E. Lawrence Barcella, Jr., Laxalt, Washington, 2.28.15, 7/18/88

Edward Bennett Williams, Williams & Connolly, 2.29.10, 7/25/88

Eric Hard, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, Washington, D.C., 2.30.13, 8/1/88

Ted Smith, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, San Jose, California, 2.31.9, 8/8/88

Gary Edwards, Ethics Resource Center, Washington, D.C. 2.32.8, 8/15/88

John C. Coffee, Professor of Law, Columbia University Law School, 2.33.11, 9/5/88

Jerald Vaughn, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2.34.10, 9/12/88

Stephen Gillers, Professor of Law, New York University Law School, New York, New York, 2.35.13, 9/19/88

Arthur Mathews, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, 2.36.11, 9/26/88

Robert Samuelson, Newsweek, Washington, D.C., 2.37.11, 10/3/88

Edwin Rothschild, Citizen Action, Washington, D.C. 2.39.9, 10/17/88

Diane Nygaard, Overland Park, Kansas, 2.40.7, 10/24/88

Howard Wilson, Chief of the Criminal Division, Southern District of New York, New York, New York, 2.41.10, 10/31/88

Benton Musselwhite, Attorney, Houston, Texas, 2.42.7, 11/7/88

J. Robert Hunter, National Insurance Consumer Organization, Alexandria, Virginia, 2.43.11, 11/14/88

Michael Maggio, Maggio & Kattar, Washington, D.C., 2.44.10, 11/21/88

Michael Barrett, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Energy and Commerce Committee, 2.45.9, 11/28/88

Charles Kimball, Real Estate Economist, Boca Raton, Florida, 2.46.10, 12/5/88

Staughton Lynd, Legal Services Attorney, Youngstown, Ohio, 2.47.13, 12/12/88

James Stewart, The Wall Street Journal, New York, New York, 2.48.12, 12/19/88


Joseph Lawless, author of Prosecutial Misconduct, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 3.1.13, 1/9/89

John C. Burton, Professor of Accounting, Columbia Business School, New York, New York, 3.2.10, 1/16/89

Richard Kusserow, IG, HHS, Washington, D.C., 3.3.12, 1/23/89

John Richard, Author, Corporate Decency Act, 3.4.13, 1/30/89

Junius Peake, The Peake/Ryerson Consulting Group, Englewood, New Jersey, 3.5.17, 2/6/89

Bernard Bailor, Caplin & Drysdale, Washington, D.C., 3.6.11, 2/13/89

G. Robert Blakey, Professor of Law, Notre Dame University Law School, Notre Dame, Indiana, 3.7.14, 2/20/89

Irvine Sprague, former chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 3.8.14, 2/27/89

Morton Mintz, The Washington Post, 3.9.13, 3/6/89

Leonard Orland, Professor of Law, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 3.10.11, 3/13/89

Robert A.G. Monks, Institutional Shareholder Services, Washington, D.C. 3.11.18

Paul Hudson, Victims of Pan Am 103, 3.12.7, 3/27/89

Judson Starr, Venable Baetjer, 3.13.10, 4/3/89

J.J. (Buck) Bloombecker, National Center for Computer Crime Data, Los Angeles, California, 3.14.10, 4/10/89

Michael Tigar, Professor of Law, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 3.15.13, 4/17/89

Kenneth Nelson, City Attorney, Torrance, California 3.16.12, 4/24/89

Karen Hicks, Dalkon Shield Information Network, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 3.17.9, 5/1/89

John Baldwin, Director, Utah Securities Division, President North American Securities Administrators Assocation, 3.18.10, 5/8/89

David Levinson, Insurance Commissioner, State of Delaware, 3.19.13, 5/15/89

John Martzell, lawyer, New Orleans, Louisiana, 3.20.10, 5/22/89

Kirk O. Hanson, Business Enterprise Trust, 3.21.13, 5/29/89

Byron Bloch, Auto Safety Design, Los Angeles, California, 3.22.11, 6/5/89

Gordon Johnson and James Sevinsky, Environmental Protection Bureau, New York AG’s office, New York, New York, 3.23.14, 6/12/89

John W. Gergacz, Professor, School of Business, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 3.25.12, 6/26/89

Alexandra Allen, Staff Attorney, USPIRG, Washington, D.C., 3.26.12, 7/3/89

Andy Savitz, General Counsel, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 3.27.13, 7/10/89

Kathleen Dean Moore, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University, 3.28.16, 7/16/89

Gerry Spence, Jackson Hole, Wyoming 3.29.12, 7/24/89

Ben Kelley, Institute for Injury Reduction, 3.30.12, 7/31/89

Robert Morvillo, Attorney for Arms Dealer Adnan Khashoggi, Washington, D.C., 3.31.13, 8/7/89

David Vance Marshall, Davis, Wright & Jones, Seattle, Washington, 3.32.13, 8/14/89

John Villa, Partner, Williams & Connolly, Washington, D.C., 3.33.13, 9/4/89

Richard Munson, Chairman, Victims of Fiberglass, Meadow Vista, California, 3.34.12, 9/11/89

Paul Muolo, Author of Inside Job: The Looting of America’s Savings and Loans, 3.35.13, 9/18/89

Kenneth Goodpaster, Professor of Business Ethics, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, 3.36.12, 9/25/89

Dan Moldea, Author of Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football, 3.37.14, 10/2/89

Victoria Toensing, Partner, Hughes, Hubbard, & Reed, Washington, D.C., 3.38.11, 10/9/89

David Burnham, Author, A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS, 3.39.12, 10/16/89

Michael Goldsmith, Professor of Law, Brigham Young University, 3.40.13, 10/23/89

Valerie Hans, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Psychology, University of Delaware, 3.41.13, 10/30/89

Larry Gurwin, Financial Reporter, The Economist, 3.42.14, 11/6/89

Sheldon Finkelstein, Partner, Hannoch, Wiesman, Roseland, New Jersey, 3.43.13, 11/13/89

Walter Adams, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Michigan State University, 3.44.12, 11/20/89

Mark Green, President, Democracy Project, New York, New York, 3.45.13, 11/27/89

Gordon Greenberg, Partner, Sheppard, Mullin, Los Angeles, California, 3.46.13, 12/4/89

Michael Zeldin, Director, Office of Asset Forfeiture, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 3.47.13, 12/11/89

Andrew Jay Schwartzman, Executive Director, Media Access Project, Washington, D.C., 3.48.13, 12/18/89

Harry Glasbeek, Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Ontario, 4.1.12, 1/8/90

Neal R. Sonnett, Sonnett, Sale & Kuehne, Miami, Florida, 4.2.13, 1/15/90

Maria Cherkasova, Secretary, Socio-Ecological Union, Moscow, Soviet Union, 4.3.14, 1/22/90

Rani Jethmalani, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, 4.4.15, 1/29/90

Jamie Gorelick, Partner, Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin, Washington, D.C., 4.5.14, 2/5/90

Jonathan Cuneo, Attorney, Washington, D.C., 4.6.17, 2/12/90

Carl J. Mayer, Assistant Professor of Law, Hofstra, University School of Law, Hempstead, New York, 4.7.13, 2/19/90

John Arens, Arens & Alexander, Fayettevile, Arkansas, 4.8.13, 2/26/90

Robert Morvillo, Morvillo, Abramowitz & Grand, New York, New York, 4.9.15, 3/5/90

Gerald Werfel, Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn, Washington, D.C., 4.10.15, 3/12/90

David Dembo, Council on International and Public Affairs, New York, New York, 4.11.16, 3/19/90

Jack Doyle, Friends of the Earth, Washington, D.C., 4.12.15, 3/26/90

Michael Levine, author of Deep Cover: The Inside Story of How DEA Infighting, Incompetence and Subeterfuge Lost the Biggest Battle of the Drug War, 4.13.15, 4/2/90

Roger Spaeder, Zuckerman, Spaeder, Washington, D.C., 4.14.15, 4/9/90

Richard Grossman, Somerville, Massachusetts, 4.15.16, 4/16/90

Philip Feigin, Commissioner, Colorado Division of Securities, 4.16.14, 4/23/90

Dieter Kublitz, Cologne, West Germany, 4.17.16, 4/30/90

Tony Webb, London Food Commission, 4.18.14, 5/7/90

Henry Berliner, CEO, Second National Federal Savings Bank, Annapolis, Maryland, 4.19.15, 5/14/90

Gerard Scanell, Assistant Secretary of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, D.C., 4.20.14, 5/21/90

Harry First, Professor of Law, New York University. 4.21.15, 5/28/90

Lynn Ross, National Association of Attorneys General, 4.22.14, 6/4/90

Marshall Clinard, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, 4.23.14, 6/11/90

Robert Luskin, Partner, Powell, Goldstein, 4.24.14, 6/18/90

Sherry Ettleston, Public Citizen Congress Watch, Washington, D.C., 4.25.16

Susan Shapiro, American Bar Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, 4.26.16, 7/2/90

Admiral E.R. Zumwalt, Jr., Washington, D.C., 4.27.14, 7/9/90

Mark Cohen, Assistant Professor of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 4.28.15, 7/16/90

Paul Stephen Dempsey, Professor of Law, University of Denver, 4.29.14, 7/23/90

Bert Ely, Ely & Company, Alexandria, Virginia, 4.30.14, 7/30/90

George Moscarino, partner, Jones, Day, Cleveland, Ohio, 4.31.1, 8/6/90

Michael Cavallo, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 4.32.13, 8/13/90

Sergei X, Black Marketer, Leningrad, USSR, 4.33.18, 9/3/90

Steve Humphreys, American University, Washington, D.C., 4.34.14, 9/10/90

John Braithwaite, Australian National University and American Bar Foundation, 4.35.17, 9/17/90

Ira Reiner, District Attorney, Los Angeles, California, 4.36.16, 9/24/90

Milton Eisenberg, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver, Washington, D.C., 4.37.16, 10/1/90

Neil Getnick, Getnick and Getnick, New York, New York, 4.38.18, 10/8/90

Paul Diamond, Dilworth, Paxson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4.39.17, 10/15/90

Scott J. Rafferty, Attorney and Nynex Whistleblower, 4.40.17, 10/22/90

Dr. Claus Peter Speth, Medical Examiner, Gloucester County, New Jersey, 4.41.16, 10/29/90

Benjamin Klubes, Skadden, Arps, Washington, D.C., 4.42.14, 11/5/90

Barry Castleman, Environmental Consultant, Baltimore, Maryland, 4.43.15, 11/12/90

Robert Fabrikant and Sandra Wilkinson, ABA White Collar Crime Committee, Subcommittee on Health Care Fraud, 4.44.17, 11/19/90

Peter Hansen, Center on Transnational Corporations, United Nations, 4.45.13, 11/26/90

Leon Weinstein, Former Special Agent, Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, 4.47.16, 12/10/90

John M. Geddes, Former Banking Regulator and Adjustable Rate Mortgage Expert, 4.48.17, 12/17/90


David C. Jones, former vice president, Abbott Labs, 5.1.16, 1/7/91

Jeffrey Ian Ross, Research Associate, International Center for Comparative Criminology, University of Montreal, Canada, 5.2.16, 1/14/91

Whitney Adams, Washington Perito and Dubuc, Washington, D.C., 5.3.15, 1/21/91

Philip Corboy, Senior Partner, Corboy & Demetrio, Chicago, Illinois, 5.4.15, 1/28/91

Michael Ratner, Center for Constitutional Rights, Yale University School of Law, 5.5.18, 2/4/91

Laurence Kallen, Bankruptcy Lawyer and author of Corporate Welfare: The Megabankruptcies of the 80s and 90s, 5.6.16, 2/11/91

Jill Savitt, Center for the Study of Commercialism, Washington, D.C., 5.7.21, 2/18/91

Justin Simon, Partner, Dickstein, Shapiro, Washington, D.C., 5.8.15, 2/25/91

Hal Gillespie, Gillespie, Rozen & Tanner, Dallas, Texas, 5.9.18, 3/4/91

William Heffernan, Professor of Rural Sociology, University of Missouri, 5.10.17, 3/11/91

John Quigley, Professor, College of Law, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 5.11.19, 3/18/91

Daniel P. Westman, Thelen, Marrin, San Francisco, California, 5.12.18, 3/25/91

Jaemson Doig, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 5.13.16, 4/1/91

Stephen Gardner, Assistant Attorney General, Austin, Texas, 5.14.18, 4/8/91

Sidney Shapiro, Professor of Law, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 5.15.19, 4/15/91

Thomas Stanton, Olwine, Connelly, Chase, O’Donnell & Weyher, Washington, D.C., 5.16.18, 4/22/91

Marty Levitt, Former Union Buster, 5.17.17, 4/29/91

Jeffrey Chester, Public Interest Media Consultant, 5.18.17, 5/6/91

Monroe Millstein, Chairman Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Inc., 5.19.17, 5/13/91

Joe Kamalick, Editor of Boycott Law Bulletin, 5.20.17, 5/20/91

Pat Costner, Greenpeace, 5.21.17, 5/27/91

Judy Bari, Earth First, 5.22.19, 6/3/91

William Anthony Hamilton, President of Inslaw, 5.23.17, 6/10/91

Reid Weingarten, Steptoe & Johnson, Washington, D.C., 5.24.19, 6/17/91

Robert A.G. Monks, President, Institutional Shareholder Partners, 5.25.17, 6/24/91

Otto Obermaier, United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, 5.26.16, 7/1/91

Harvey Silets, Silets & Martin, Chicago, Illinois, 5.27.14, 7/8/91

J. William Hirzy, Vice President of Local 2050 of the National Federation of Federal Employees, 5.28.18, 7/15/91

Larry Gurwin, Investigative Group Inc., Washington, D.C., 5.29.17, 7/22/91

Pamela Bucy, Associate Professor of Law, University of Alabama School of Law, 5.30.16, 7/29/91

Mark Pollock, Deputy District Attorney, Solano County, California, 5.32.20, 8/12/91

Dr. Anthony Casolaro, Brother of Slain Writer, 5.33.17, 9/2/91

Mark Hansen, Partner, Johnson & Gibbs, Washington, D.C., 5.34.18 9/9/91

Joseph Cotchett, Cotchett, Illston, Pitre, Burlingame, California, 5.35.17, 9/16/91

Dr. Kate Jenkins, Chemist, EPA, 5.36.18, 9/23/91

Charles Hamel, Industry Oil Critic, 5.37.17, 9/30/91

Laurence Urgenson, Chief of the Fraud Section, Department of Justice, 5.38.16, 10/7/91

Todd Putnam, Editor, National Boycott News, 5.39.18, 8/5/91

Alan Zarky, Dubitzky & Zarky, Seattle, Washington, 5.40.16, 10/14/91

Thomas Geoghegan, Labor Lawyer and author of Which Side Are You On?, 5.41.18, 10/21/91

Ralph Estes, Professor of Accounting, American University, Washington, D.C., 5.41.91, 10/28/91

Joseph Block, Venable, Baetjer, Washington, D.C. 5.42.19, 11/4/91

Paul Merrell, Partner, Bradley & Merrell, Tidewater, Oregon, 5.43.16, 11/11/91

Joseph Aronica, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria, Virginia, 5.44.20, 11/18/91

Jeffrey Parker, Associate Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law, 5.45.18, 11/25/91

Gene Richardson, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., 5..46.15, 12/2/91

Jonathan Karpoff, Associate Professor of Finance, School of Business, University of Washington, 5.47.20, 12/9/91

William Hodgman, Deputy Assistant District Attorney, County of Los Angeles, 5.48.19, 12/16/91


Nico Jorg, Associate Professor of Criminal Law, University of Utrecht, Holland, 6.1.18, 1/6/92

Robert Hauberg, Jr., Watkins, Ludlam & Stennis, Jackson, Mississippi, 6.2.16, 1/12/92

David Bergman, Workplace Safety Advocate, United Kingdom, 6.3.17, 1/20/92

Marvin Collins, U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Texas, 6.4.19, 1/27/92

Martin Weinstein, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Atlanta, 6.5.15, 2/3/92

Michael Benson, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Tennessee, 6.6.17, 2/10/92

A.V. Krebs, Director, Corporate Agribusiness Project, Washington, D.C., 6.7.18, 2/17/92

Lori Wallach, Public Citizen, Director Trade Campaign, 6.8.15, 2/24/92

Patrick Porgans, Sacramento, California, 6.9.17, 3/2/92

Larry Morey, Deputy Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, 6.10.19, 3/9/92

William Sanjour, Policy Analyst, EPA, Office of Solid Waste, 6.11.16, 3/16/92

John Phillips, Partner, Hall & Phillips, Los Angeles, California, 6.12.18, 3/23/92

Justin Simon, Dickstein Shapiro, & Morin, 6.13.19, 3/20/92

Karl Morgan, Health Physics Expert, 6.14.17, 4/6/92

Betty Mekdeci, Founder, The Association of Children with Birth Defects, 6.15.19, 4/13/92

Herbert Needleman, University of Pittsburgh, 6.16.18, 4/20/92

Leonard Schroeter, Seattle, Washington, 6.17.18, 4/27/92

Joel Androphy, Partner, Berg & Androphy, Houston, Texas, 6.18.18, 5/4/92

Barry Hartman, Justice Department Environmental Division, 6.19.20, 5/11/92

Brian Lippsett, Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste, Arlinton, Virginia, 6.20.18, 5/18/92

James McElroy, General Motors Shareholders Association, 6.21.21, 5/25/92

Leonard Minsky, Executive Director, National Coalition for Universities in the Public Interest, Washington, D.C., 6.22.20, 6/1/92

Joseph Belluck, Law Student, University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, 6.23.19, 6/8/92

Anthony Samson, Chief of the Fraud Division, San Diego District Attorney’s Office, 6.24.17, 6/15/92

Charles James, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, 6.25.17, 6/22/92

Tom Blanton, Executive Director, National Security Archives, Washington, D.C. 6.26.17, 6/29/92

Joy Towles Cummings, Rancher, Taylor County Florida, 6.27.16, 7/6/92

William Reid, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 6.28.16, 7/13/92

Charles Siegel, Lawyer, Dallas, Texas, 6.29.17, 7/20/92

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 6.30.17, 7/27/92

Scott Armstrong, Executive Director, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C., 6.31.18, 8/3/92

John Vargo, Gill & Vargo, Indianapolis, Indiana, 6.32.16, 8/10/92

Tom Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project, 6.33.16, 8/17/92

Jacqueline Taylor, Attorney, Resolution Trust Corporation, 6.34.16, 9/7/92

Byron Bloch, Auto Safety Design Consultant, 6.35.16, 9/14/92

Reid Weingarten, Steptoe & Johnston, American Bar Association White Collar Crime Committee, 6.36.17, 9/21/92

Frank Pearce, Professor of Sociology, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 6.37.16, 9/28/92

Terrence Reed, Partner, Asbill, Junkin, Washington, D.C., 6.38.17, 10/5/92

Robert Bell, author of Impure Science: Fraud, Compromise and Political Influence in Scientific Research, 6.39.16, 10/12/92

Charles Lewis, Executive Director, Center for Public Integrity, 6.40.16, 10/19/92

Margaret Jensvold, Institute for Research on Women’s Health, 6.41.16, 10/26/92

Richard Grossman, Taking Care of Business, 6.42.16, 11/2/92

Jonathan Turley, Environmental Crimes Project, GWU, 6.43.16, 11/9/92

Jeffrey Newman, Executive Director, National Child Labor Committee, 6.44.14, 11/16/92

Michael Levi, Professor of Criminology, University of Wales, Cardiff, 6.45.16, 11.23.92

Bruce Zagaris, ABA International Criminal Law Committee, 6.46.16, 11/30/92

R. Kenly Webster, Shaw Pittman, Washington, D.C., 6.47.14, 12/7/92

Beverly Moore, Class Action Reports, 6.48.17, 12/14/92


Paul Roupinian, Auto Safety Advocate, Torrance, California, 7.1.15, 1/4/93

Bruce Shapiro, Supreme Court Watch, The Nation, 7.2.16, 1/11/93

William Comanor, former chief Economist, Federal Trade Commission, 7.3.17, 1/18/93

Bradley Weiss, Spiegel and McDiarmed, 7.4.16, 1/25/93

Sean Kane, Ralph Hoar and Associates, 7.5.15, 2/1/93

Jonathan Wills, author of Place in the Sun: Shetland and Oil, Myths and Realities, 7.6.15, 2/8/93

Robert Hager, Washington, D.C., 7.7.16, 2/15/93

William Mahon, National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, 7.8.15, 2/22/93

David Morris, London Greenpeace, 7.9.16, 3/1/93

Bernard Wekslar, Coral Gables, Florida, 7.10.19, 3/8/93

Michael Khourie, Townsend, Townsend, 7.11.17, 3/15/93

Howard Schilit, Associate Professor of Accounting, American University, 7.12.16, 3/22/93

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk Univesity Law School, 7.13.15, 3/29/93

Peter Bahouth, Greenpeace Forest Campaign, 7.14.18, 4/5/93

Richard Atkins, International Legal Defense Counsel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 7.15.17, 4/12/93

Michael Resipo, Attorney, Miami, Florida, 7.16.18, 4/19/93

Jeffrey Jacobovitz, Jacobovitz, English & Smith, Washington, D.C., 7.17.18, 4/26/93

James P. Love, Taxpayer Assets Project, Washington, D.C., 7.18.19, 5/3/93

Frederick Baron, Baron & Budd, Dallas, Texas, 7.19.17, 5/10/93

Carl Deal, Greenpeace Guide to Anti-Environmental Organizations, 7.20.18, 5/17/93

Leonard Orland, Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, 7.21.16, 5/24/93

Richard Nixon, National Environmental Crime Prosecution Center, 7.22.17, 5/31/93

Joseph Cherner, SmokeFree Educational Services, New York, New York, 7.23.16, 6/7/93

Harold Crooks, Giants of Garbage, 7.24.14, 6/14/93

David Sarokin, Public Data Project, Washington, D.C., 7.25.15, 6/21/93

Charles Mueller, Antitrust Law & Economics, 7.26.16, 6/28/93

Jacqueline Brever, former employee, Rockwell International, Rocky Flats, Colorado, 7.27.16, 7/5/93

David Overlock Stewart, Ropes & Gray, Washington, D.C., 7.28.16, 7/12/93

John Coffee, Columbia University Law School, New York, New York, 7.29.17, 7/19/93

Abraham Briloff, Professor of Accounting, Baruch College, New York New York, 7.30.16, 7/26/93

Ralph Estes, Professor of Accounting, American University, 7.31.16, 8/2/93

Peter Montague, Editor, Rachel’s Hazardous Waste News, 7.32.17, 8/9/93

Charles James, Partner, Jones, Day, 7.33.15, 8/16/93

James Hagood, Denver, Colorado, 7.34.18, 9/6/93

Natalie Avery, Cracking the Codex, 7.35.16, 9/13/93

Sal Liccardo, Product Liability Lawyer, San Jose, California, 7.36.16, 9/20/93

John Stauber, PR Watch, Madison, Wisconsin, 7.37.16, 9/27/93

Joe D. Whitley, U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Georgia, 7.38.15, 10/4/93

Michael Colby, Food & Water, Marshfield, Vermont, 7.39.15, 10/11/93

Adrian Du Plessis, White Collar Crime Investigator, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 7.40.15, 10/18/93

Nicholas Johnson, University of Iowa College of Law, 7.41.15, 10/25/93

William Falloon, Editor, Risk Magazine, 7.42.18, 11/1/93

Scott Rafferty, The Aerie Group, 7.43.16, 11/8/93

Robert Hare, author of Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us, 7.44.16, 11/15/93

Robert Tarun, Winston & Strawn, author of Corporate Internal Investigations, 7.45.18, 11/22/93

Clinton Krislov, Attorney, Chicago, Illinois, 7.46.15, 11/29/93

Kip Schlegel, Indiana University, co-editor of White Collar Crime Revisited, 7.47.16, 12/6/93

Jeff DeBonis, PEER, Washington, D.C., 7.48.17, 12/13/93


Paul Romer, Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 8.1.19, 1/3/94

Benjamin Stein, author of A License to Steal, 8.2.16, 1/10/94

Barry Castleman, Environmental Consultant, Baltimore, Maryland, 8.3.17, 1/17/94

Carol Gorney, Professor of Journalism, Lehigh University, 8.4.16, 1/24/94

Joseph Aronica, Senior Litigation Counsel, U.S. Attorney, Alexandria, Virginia, 8.5.19, 1/31/94

Paul Tobias, Tobias, Kras & Torchia, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8.6.18, 2/7/94

Bradley Weiss, Spiegel & McDiarmid, Washington, D.C., 8.7.16, 2/14/94

Beverly Moore, Class Action Reports, Washington, D.C., 8.8.16, 2/21/94

Albert Reiss, Professor of Sociology, Yale University, 8.9.17, 2/28/94

Dr. Samuel Epstein, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, 8.10.17, 3/7/94

Laura Wittkin, National Center for Patients’ Rights, New York, New York, 8.11.13, 3/14/94

Barry Horvick, President, Corporate Intelligence Researchers, 8.12.14, 3/21/94

Cyrus Mehri, Cohen, Millstein, 8.13.15, 3/28/94

Michael Connolly, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Concord, New Hampshire, 8.14.15, 4/4/94

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 8.15.14, 4/11/94

Colleen Toy White, Ventura County DA, Venture, California, 8.16.15, 4/18/94

Lawrence Landsroner, Landskroner & Phillips, Cleveland, Ohio, 8.17.15, 4/25/94

Ellen Miller, Center for Responsive Politics, Washington, D.C., 8.18.18, 5/2/94

Andrew Popper, Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, American University, 8.19.16, 5/9/94

Charles Mueller, Editor, Antristrust Law and Economics Review, Vero Beach, Florida, 8.20.14, 5/16/94

Professor Pamela Bucy, University of Alabama School of Law, 8.21.16, 5/23/94

Carl J. Mayer, Professor of Law, Hofstra Law School, Hempstead, Long Island, 8.22.15, 5/30/94

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School, 8.23.16, 6/6/94

Richard Daynard, Tobacco Products Liability Project, Northeastern University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 8.24.14, 6/13/94

James William Coleman, Professor of Sociology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, 8.25.15, 6/20/94

William Shepherd, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 8.26.17, 6/27/94

Mark Tuohey, Partner, Reed, Smith, Shaw and McClay, 8.27.16, 7/4/94

Marlo Mahne, Auto Burn Victim, Gainsville, Florida, 8.28.16, 7/11/94

Lloyd Constantine, Antitrust Lawyer, New York City, 8.29.14, 7/18/94

Mark Dennington, Alaska Safety Equipment, Nikiski, Alaska, 8.30.17, 7/25/94

Richard Rosenblatt, President, American Names Association, Rancho Santa Fe, California, 8.31.15, 8/1/94

Dan Barry, Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research, Washington, D.C., 8.32.13, 8/8/94

Cecile Lescs, Pesticide Victim, Winchester, Virginia, 8.33.14, 8/15/94

Ann Leonard, Toxic Trade Project, Greenpeace, Washington, D.C., 8.34.16, 8/22/94

John Bonifaz, National Voting Rights Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 8.35.14, 9/12/94

Jon Entine, Free lance journalist, 8.36.13, 9/19/94

Kailash Satyarthi, South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude, New Dehli, India, 8.37.15, 9/26/94

Robert Lande, Professor of Law, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, 8.38.14, 10/3/94

Harold Barnett, Author of Toxic Debts and The Superfund Dilemma, 8.39.12, 10/10/94

Donald Hildre, Dougherty & Hildre, San Diego, California, 8.40.14, 10/17/94

Joe McCray, Trial Lawyer, San Francisco, California, 8.41.12, 10/24/94

David Helvarg, Investigative Journalist, San Francisco, California, 8.42.13, 10/31/94

W. Steve Albrecht, Professor of Accountacy, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 8.43.13, 11/7/94

Rosemary Shahan, Motor Voters, Sacramento, California, 8.44.12, 11/14/94

Dr. John Fagan, Professor of Molecular Biology, Maharishi University, Fairfield, Iowa, 8.45.13, 11/21/94

Ralph Hoar, Arlington, Virginia, 8.46.12, 11/28/94

Paul Orum, Working Group on Community Right to Know, Washington, D.C., 8.47.13, 12/5/94

James E. Butler, Butler, Wooten, Atlanta, Georgia, 8.48.14, 12/12/94


John Passacantando, Executive Director, Ozone Action, Washington, D.C., 9.1.12, 1/9/95

Jeffrey Ballinger, Executive Director, Press for Change, Bayonne, New Jersey, 9.2.13, 1/16/95

Christopher Whalen, Legal Research International, Washington, D.C., 9.3.11, 1/23/95

Thomas Devine, Legal Director, Governmental Accountability Project, Washington, D.C., 9.4.12, 1/30/95

William Lehman, Import Inspector, United States Department of Agriculture, Sweetgrass, Montana, 9.5.12, 2/6/95

Gary Ruskin, Congressional Accountability Project, Washington, D.C., 9.6.13, 2/13/95

Frank Vogl, Vice Chairman, Transparency International, Washington, D.C., 9.7.14, 2/20/95

Leonard Schroeter, Trial Attorney, Seattle, Washington, 9.8.13, 2/27/95

Jim Jatras, Senate Republican Policy Committee, Washington, D.C., 9.9.13, 3/6/95

Victor Crawford, Former Lobbyist, Tobacco Institute, Rockville, Maryland, 9.10.13, 3/13/95

Roger Magnuson, Partner, Dorsey & Whitney, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 9.11.12, 3/20/95

Thomas J. Moore, Author of Deadly Medicine, 9.12.12, 3/27/95

Will Allen, Farmer and activists, Newman, California, 9.13.14, 4/3/95

Johnny Frank, Managing Partner, Decision Strategies, New York, New York, 9.14.12, 4/10/95

Toby J.F. Bishop, Business Fraud Risk Services Group, Arthur Andersen, Chicago, Illinois, 9.15.12, 4/17/95

Paul Wallach, Partner, Hale & Dorr, Washington, D.C., 9.16.12, 4/24/95

Sandra Gilbert, Author of Wrongful Death: A Medical Tragedy, 9.17.13, 5/1/95

Gerard Colby, co-author of Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon, 9.18.11, 5/8/95

Win Swenson, Deputy General Counsel, United States Sentencing Commission, Washington, D.C., 9.19.12, 5/15/95

Thomas Papageorge, Head Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, 9.20.12, 5/22/95

Paul Brodeur, Staff Writer, New Yorker, 9.21.11, 5/29/95

Mark Pastin, Council of Ethical Organizations, Alexandria, Virginia, 9.22.11, 6/5/95

Jeffrey Ian Ross, Editor, Controlling State Crime, 9.23.14, 6/12/95

Gerry Goldstein, President, National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, San Antonio, Texas, 9.24.13, 6/19/95

Thomas Linzey, Attorney, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 9.25.13, 6/26/95

Gerald Stern, Special Counsel, Health Care Fraud, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 9.26.14, 7/3/95

Don Webb, Alliance for a Responsible Swine Industry, Statonburg, North Carolina, 9.27.12, 7/10/95

Mia Anna Mazza, author of The New Evidentiary Privilege for Environmental Audit Reports, 9.28.12, 7/17/95

Mary Tong, Director, Support Committee for Maquiladora Workers, San Diego, California, 9.29.13, 7/24/95

John Moscow, Assistant District Attorney, New York, New York, 9.30.13, 7/31/95

Stanton Glantz, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, 9.31.10, 8/7/95

Gordon Durnil, author, The Making of A Conservative Environmentalist, 9.32.10, 8/14/95

Al Krebs, Research Director, Prairiefire Rural Action, Des Moines, Iowa, 9.33.12, 9/4/95

Francis Brother Hare, Jr., Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton, Birmingham, Alabama, 9.34.13, 9/11/95

Andy Pasztor, Wall Street Journal, 9.35.11, 9/18/95

Kurt Eichenwald, New York Times, 9.36.11, 9/25/95

Jonathan Harr, author of A Civil Action, 9.37.11, 10/2/95

Claudia Patricia Sierra Pardo, Grupo Cactus, Bogota, Colombia, 9.38.14, 10/9/95

David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World, 9.39.11, 10/16/95

John Byrne, Business Week, author of Informed Consent, 9.40.11, 10/23/95

Robert Proctor, Professor of History of Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 9.41.12, 10/30/95

Frederic Ellis, Partner, Gilman, McLaughlin, Boston, Massachusetts, 9.42.13, 11/6/95

Ralph Estes, Professor of Business, American University, 9.43.11, 11/13/95

John Stauber, PR Watch, Madison, Wisconsin, 9.44.10, 11/20/95

David Burnham, TRAC, 9.45.12, 11/27/95

Betsy Dotson, Government Finance Officers Association, Washington, D.C., 9.46.13, 12/4/95

E. Michael McCann, District Attorney, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, 9.47.13, 12/11/95

Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, 9.48.12, 12/18/95


Laureen Snider, Professor of Sociology, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, 10.1.13, 1/8/96

Ron Hayes, Director of Fight, Fairhope, Alabama, 10.2.10, 1/15/96

Lance Hughes, Director of Native Americans for a Clean Environment, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, 10.3.11, 1/22/96

Steve Jones, Former Safety Manager, EG&G Defense Materials, Inc., Tooele, Utah, 10.4.13, 1/29/96

Don Zarin, Partner, Dechert, Price & Rhoads, Washington, D.C., 10.5.13, 2/5/96

Leslie Silverstone, Founder and President, Stop Looking the Other Way, Bethesda, Maryland, 10.6.12, 2/12/96

Edwin Lowry, California District Attorneys Association, Sacramento, California, 10.7.13, 2/19/96

John Rector, General Counsel, National Association of Retail Druggists, Alexandria, Virginia, 10.8.12, 2/26/96

Masami Kobayashi, San Francisco, California, 10.9.14, 3/4/96

Peter Kellman, Maine Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, 10.10.12, 3/11/96

Donna Parker, Boycott Mitsubishi Campaign, San Francisco, California, 10.11.14, 3/18/96

Tim Hermach, Founder and executive director, Native Forest Council, Eugene, Oregon, 10.12.12, 3/25/96

Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 10.13.13, 4/1/96

Kevin Thomas, Friends of the Lubicon, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 10.14.13, 4/8/96

Ivan Preston, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 10.15.13, 4/15/96

Clarence Ditlow, Executive Director, Center for Auto Safety, 10.16.13, 4/22/96

Norman Inkster, President, KMPG Investigation and Security Inc., Toronto, Canada, 10.17.12, 4/29/96

Michael Skol, Senior Vice President, Diplomatic Resolutions, Inc., Washington, D.C., 10.18.13, 5/6/96

Professor Lynn Lopucki, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, New York, 10.19.12, 5/13/96

Joseph Savage, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Boston, Massachusetts, 10.20.13, 5/20/96

Morris Fisher, Professor of Neurology, Loyola University Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 10.21.11, 5/27/96

Joseph Coyne, Partner, Sheppard Mullin, Los Angeles, California, 10.22.10, 6/3/96

Pat Cody, DES Action, Oakland, California, 10.23.12, 6/10/96

Diane Wilson, Citizen Activist, Seadrift, Texas, 10.24.12, 6/17/96

V.S. Khanna, Student, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 10.25.11, 6/24/96

Bob Richmond, Southern California Transit Advocates, Los Angeles, California, 10.26.13, 7/1/96

Michael Lissack, Former Managing Partner, Smith Barney, New York, New York, 10.27.12, 7/8/96

Frederick Thayer, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, 10.28.12, 7/15/96

Pamela Bucy, Professor of Law, University of Alabama, 10.29.12, 7/22/96

Thomas A. Grey, National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, Hanover, Illinois, 10.30.11, 7/29/96

Clark Judge, White House Writers Group, Washington, D.C., 10.31.11, 8/5/96

Charles Kernaghan, National Labor Committee, New York, New York, 10.32.9, 8/12/96

Ned Daly, Taxpayer Assets Project, Washington, D.C., 10.33.12, 9/2/96

John Bonifaz, Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts, 10.34.11, 9/9/96

Frank Freudberg, Author of GASP!, A Novel of Revenge, 10.35.13, 9/16/96

Edward Hammond, Rural Development Foundation, Pittsboro, North Carolina, 10.36.12, 9/23/96

Mark Griffin, Director, Utah Division of Securities, President, North American Securities Administrators Association, 10.37.12, 9/30/96

Edward Goldsmith, co-editor of The Case Against the Global Economy, 10.38.9, 10/7/96

Wesley Smith, co-author of No Contest, 10.39.11, 10/14/96

Homer Moyer, Miller and Chevalier, Washington, D.C., 10.40.13, 10/21/96

David Hoech, Archer Daniels Midland Shareholders Watch Committee, Hallandale, Florida, 10.41.12, 10/28/96

Marc Galanter, Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 10.42.12, 11/4/96

George Hacker, Director, Alcohol Policies Project, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington, D.C., 10.43.12, 11/11/96

Barry Castleman, Environmental Consultant, Baltimore, Maryland, 10.44.13, 11/18/96

James Turner, Partner, Swankin & Turner, Washington, D.C., 10.45.12, 11/25/96

Ronnie Cummins, National Director, Pure Food Campaign, Little Marais, Minnesota, 10.46.8, 12/2/96

Craig Williams, Chemical Weapons Working Group, Berea, Kentucky, 10.47.12, 12/9/96

Jeffrey Ballinger, Director, Press for Change, Alpine, New Jersey, 10.48.11, 12/16/96


Peter Montague, Director, Environmental Research Foundation, Annapolis, Maryland, 11.1.11, 1/6/97

Robert Costanza, Director, Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 11.2.13, 1/13/97

Celia Wells, Professor, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff, Wales, 11.3.13, 1/20/97

Christopher Williams, Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana, Indianapolis, Indaiana, 11.4.11, 1/27/97

Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C., 11.5.13, 2/3/97

James Jacobs, Professor of Law, New York University, New York, 11.6.12, 2/10/97

Ed Petry, Ethics Officer Association, Belmont, Massachusetts, 11.7.11, 2/17/97

Jamie Court, Director Consumers for Quality Care, Santa Monica, California, 11.8.11, 2/24/97

James Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology, Washington, D.C., 11.9.11, 3/3/97

John O’Connor, author of Who Owns the Sun?, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 11.10.12, 3/10/97

Jay Feldman, National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, Washington, D.C., 11.11.11, 3/17/97

Ronald TerMeer, Columbus, Ohio, 11.12.12, 3/24/97

William Lofquist, Department of Sociology, Geneseo, New York, 11.13.11, 3/31/97

Charles Owens, Finaicial Crimes Section, FBI, Washington, D.C., 11.14.11, 4/7/97

Mary Schiavo, Former Inspector General, FAA, Columbus, Ohio, 11.15.11, 4/14/97

James Helmkamp, National White Collar Crime Center, Morgantown, West Virginia, 11.16.12, 4/21/97

Pat Costner, Greenpeace, Arkansas, 11.17.12, 4/28/97

Alexis Johnson, Attorney, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11.18.12, 5/5/97

Thuyen Nguyen, Vietnam Labor Watch, New York, New York, 11.19.10, 5/12/97

Edwin Stier, Attorney, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 11.20.10, 5/19/97

Sanford Lewis, Good Neighbor Project, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 11.21.11, 5/26/97

Byron Bloch, Consultant, Auto Safety Design, Bethesda, Maryland, 11.22.10, 6/2/97

Gary Green, Author of Occupational Crime, Minot, North Dakota, 11.23.12, 6/9/97

Cecilia Lanman, Environmental Protection Information Center, Garberville, California, 11.24.12, 6/16/97

Lawrence Walsh, Independent Counsel, Iran Contra, 11.25.12, 6/23/97

Malcolm Sparrow, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 11.26.9, 6/30/97

Michael Josephson, President, Josephson Institute of Ethics, Marina Del Ray, California, 11.27.10, 7/7/97

Elaine DePrince, Author of Cry Bloody Murder: A Tale of Tainted Blood, 11.28.10, 7/14/97

Earl Devaney, Director, EPA Office of Criminal Enforcement, Washington, D.C., 11.29.10, 7/21/97

Tom Devine, Legal Director, Government Accountability Project, Washington, D.C., 11.30.10, 7/28/97

Jenny Ross, Deputy District Attorney, Nevada County, California, 11.31.10, 8/4/97

Will Collette, Citizens Coal Council, Washington, D.C., 11.32.10, 8/11/97

Jennifer Arlen, University of Southern California School of Law, Los Angeles, California, 11.33.11, 9/1/97

Paula Desio, Deputy General Counsel, U.S. Sentencing Commission, Washington, D.C. 11.34.12, 9/8/97

Henry Pontell, Department of Criminology, UC Irvine, Irvine, California, 11.35.11, 9/15/97

Stanley Marcuss, Partner, Bryan Cave, Washington, D.C., 11.36.12, 9/22/97

Steven Schueth, Social Investment Forum, Washington, D.C., 11.37.11, 9/29/97

Kirk Nahra, Wiley Rein & Fielding, Washington, D.C., 11.38.10, 10/6/97

Joseph Jaffe, Decision Strategies, Stamford, Connecticut, 11.39.12, 10/13/97

Jane Barrett, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Baltimore, Maryland, 11.40.11, 10/20/97

Robert Sanders, Parents for Safer Airbags, Washington, D.C., 11.41.10, 10/27/97

John Stauber, Center for Media and Democracy, Washington, D.C., 11.42.10, 11/3/97

Richard Fineberg, Ester, Alaska, 11.43.12, 11/10/97

John Klotz, Attorney, New York, New York, 11.44.14, 11/17/97

Richard Grossman, Program on Corporations Law and Democracy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 11.45.10, 11/24/97

Scott Nova, Preamble Center for Public Policy, Washington, D.C., 11.46.10, 12/1/97

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 11.47.11 12/8/97

Patrick Trueman, Director of Governmental Affairs, American Family Association, Washington, D.C., 11.48.12, 12/15/97


Stanton Glantz, Professor of Medicine, University of San Francisco, California 12.01.10, 01/05/98

Alan Guebert, Agricultural Economist, Peoria, Illinois, 12.02.12, 01/12/98

Julie Schmit, USA Today, Palo Alta, California, 12.03.13, 01/19/98

Sandra Steingraber, author of Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks At Cancer and the Environment, 12.04.10, 01/26/98

Frank O’Donnell, Executive Director, Clean Air Trust, Washington, D.C., 12.05.11, 2/2/98

Craig Kravit, Managing Director, Investigative Group International, New York, New York, 12.06.13, 02/09/98

Charlotte Brody, Organizing Director, Center for Health, Environment, and Justice, Falls Church, Virginia, 12.07.12, 02/16/98

Thomas J. Moore, author of Prescription for Disaster, Washington, D.C. 12.08.10, 02/23/98

John T. Boese, Fried Frank, Washington, D.C., 12.09.10, 03/02/98

Susan Brenner, Professor, University of Dayton School of Law, Dayton, Ohio, 12.10.12, 03/09/98

Stanley Twardy Jr, Day Berry & Howard, Hartford, Connecticut, 12.11.13, 03/16/98

Marc Gardner, Columbia/HCA Whistleblower, Louisville, Kentucky, 12.12.9, 03/23/98

Jonathan L. Diesenhaus, Partner, McKenna & Cuneo, Washington, D.C., 12.13.11, 03/30/98

Jim Puckett, Basel Action Network, Seattle, Washington, 12.14.12, 04/06/98

Steve Wilson, Investigative Reporter, Tampa, Florida, 12.15.10, 4/13/98

Peter Breggin M.D., Author of Talking Back to Ritalin, Bethesda, Maryland, 12.16.10, 4/20/98

Philip Svalya, Attorney, Cupertino, California, 12.17.10, 4/27/98

Susan Swift, Attorney, Justice Department, Washington, D.C., 12.18.11, 5/4/98

Clifford E. Douglas, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 12.19.12, 5/11/98

Dr. Andrew Weil, Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 12.20.8, 5/18/98

Zachary Lyons, Boycott Quarterly, Seattle, Washington, 12.21.11, 5/25/98

Carol Miller, Green Party, Candidate for Congress, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 12.22.9, 6/1/98

Joseph Murphy, Compliance Systems Legal Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12.23.10, 6/8/98

David Kairys, Professor of Law, Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12.24.12, 6/15/98

John M. Connor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 12.25.12, 6/22/98

Janet Hall, Canton, Ohio, 12.26.12, 6/29/98

Michael Benson, Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 12.27.11, 7/6/98

Larry Sasich, Public Citizen Health Research Group, Washington, D.C., 12.28.12, 7/13/98

Jeffrey Foote, Trial Attorney, Portland, Oregon, 12.29.11, 7/20/98

Ronald Osman, Trial Attorney, Marion, Illinois, 12.30.9, 7/27/98

Heather Rae, Concerned Citizens of Dickerson, Dickerson, Maryland, 12.31.11, 8/3/98

Robert A.G. Monks, Founders, Lens Inc., Washington, D.C., 12.3.10, 8/10/98

Frank Pearce, Department of Sociology, Queen’s College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,12.33.11, 8/31/98

Marc Linder, Professor of Law, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 12.34.11, 9/7/98

Robert Benson, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, California, 12.35.11, 9/14/98

Cecil Heftel, Former Member of Congress, author of End Legalized Bribery, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12.36.12, 9/21/98

Jim Morrison, Scottsdale, Arizona, 12.37.10, 9/28/98

William Wynn, Circuit Judge, Birmingham, Alabama, 12.38.12, 10/5/98

Michael M. Thomas, Author, Sag Harbor, Maine, 12.39.12, 10/12/98

Peter Schweizer, author, Disney: The Mouse Betrayed (Regnery, 1998), 12.40.10, 10/19/98

Edward Hammond, Rural Advancement Foundation International, Pittsboro, North Carolina, 12.41.12, 10/26/98

Brian Lipsett, Environmental Background Information Center, State College, Pennsylvania 12.42.13, 11/2/98

Albert Foer, American Antitrust Institute, 12.43.11, 11/9/98

Philipp Mimkes, Executive Director, Coordination Against Bayer Dangers, 12.44.12, 11/16/98

Laureen Snider, Professor of Sociology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 12.45.13, 11/23/98

David O. Friedrichs, Professor of Sociology and Criminology, University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania, 12.46.11, 11/30/98

Charles Derber, Professor of Sociology, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 12.47.11, 12/7/98

B. Blake Levitt, author of Electromagnetic Fields (Harcourt Brace), 12.48.11, 12/14/98


David Noble, Professor of History, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 13.01.11, 1/4/99

Ronald Kramer, Director, Criminal Justice Program, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 13.02.12, 1/11/99

Samuel Epstein, Author, The Politics of Cancer Revisited, (East Ridge Press, 1998), Chicago, Illinois, 13.3.11, 1/18/99

Ronnie Cummins, Director, Campaign for Food Safety, Little Marais, Minnesota, 13.4.8, 1/25/99

Arvind Ganesan, Human Rights Watch, New York, New York, 13.5.10, 2/1/99

Jan Handzlik, Kirkland & Ellis and Vincent Marella, Bird, Marella, Boxer & Wolpert, Los Angeles, California, 13.6.12, 2/8/99

Michael McCarthy, Disabled Nurse, Ontario, Canada, 13.7.12, 2/15/99

David Luban, Professor of Law and Philosophy, Georgetown Univesity Law Center, Washington, D.C., 13.8.12, 2/22/98

Marc Linder, Professor of Law, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 13.9.12, 3/1/99

Ronald Riley, Independent Inventor, Grand Blanc, Michigan, 13.10.10, 3/8/99

Suzanne Marchand, Associate Professor of European Intellectual History, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 13.11.13, 3/15/99

Bob Thomas, Author, Savannah, Georgia, 13.12.12, 3/22/99

Bruce A. Green, Professor of Law, Fordham University Law School, New York, New York, 13.13.11, 3/29/99

Gregory Palast, reporter, Observer of London, London, England, 13.14.10, 4/5/99

Greg Coleridge, Northeast Ohio Friends Services Committee, Akron, Ohio, 13.15.12, 4/12/99

Dan Fagin, Environment Reporter, Newsday, Melville, New York, 13.16.11, 4/19/99

Gladstone Jones, Smith, Jones & Fawer, New Orleans, Louisiana, 13.17.11, 4/26/99

Carolyn Brickey, Executive Director, National Campaign for Pesticide Policy Reform, Tucson, Arizona, 13.18.11, 5/3/99

David Green, Deputy Chief, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 13.19.12, 5/10/99

Liane Casten, Author of Breast Cancer: Poisons, Profits, and Prevention (Common Courage Press), 13.20.11, 5/17/99

Paul Rogat Loeb, Author of Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time (St. Martin’s Press), 13.21.13, 5/24/99

Jim Metrock, President, Obligation Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, 13.22.10, 5/31/99

Tom Methvin, Partner, Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles, Montgomery, Alabama, 13.23.12, 6/7/99

John Passacantando, Executive Director, Ozone Action, Washington, D.C., 13.24.10, 6/14/99

Mark Ritchie, President, Institute for Agricultural and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 13.25.11, 6/21/99

Steven Druker, Alliance for Bio-Integrity, Iowa City, Iowa, 13.26.12, 6/28/99

Joseph Sellers, Partner, Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, Washington, D.C., 13.27.13, 7/5/99

Edmund J. Pankau, author of Hide Your Assets and Disappear, Houston, Texas, 13.28.10, 7/12/99

Carolyn Raffensperger, Coordinator, The Science and Environment Health Network, Windsor, North Dakota, 13.29.11, 7/19/99

Eric Sawyer, Executive Director, HIV/AIDS Human Rights Project, New York, New York, 13.30.12, 7/26/99

Kenneth Quinn, Partner, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, Washington, D.C., 13.31.11, 8/2/99

Joan Crosby Tibbetts, President, Skippy, Inc., Annandale, Virginia, 13.32.10, 8/9/99

James Griffin, Director of Criminal Enforcement, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 13.33.12, 8/16/99

Eugene Elliott Reed, National Sales Manager, Food and Feed Division, Summit Pharmaceuticals, Sumitomo Corporation, Sherwood, Arkansas, 13.34.6, 9/6/99

Jon Lauck, author of American Agriculture and the Problem of Monopoly, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 13.35.12, 9/13/99

John Dalla Costa, author of The Ethical Imperative: Why Moral Leadership is Good Business (Addison Wesley, 1998), 13.36.11, 9/20/99

Gusty Yearout, Yearout, Myers & Traylor, Birmingham, Alabama, 13.37.13, 9/27/99

Thomas Linzey, President and Staff Attorney, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 13.38.11, 10/4/99

Jamie Court, Advocacy Director, Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Santa Monica, California, 13.39.11, 10/11/99

Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Program on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C. 13.40.12, 10/18/99

George Winslow, author of Capital Crimes, New York, New York, 13.41.13, 10/25/99

George Carlo, President, Health Risk Management Group, Washington, D.C., 13.42.10, 11/1/99

Kevin Darken, Trenem, Kemker, Scharf, Barkin, Frye, O’Neill & Mullis, Tampa, Florida, 13.43.12, 11/8/99

Philipp Mimkes, Coordination Against Bayer Dangers, Dusseldorf, Germany, 13.44.12, 11/15/99

Michael Belkin, Belkin Ltd., New York, New York, 13.45.9, 11/22/99

Mike Males, author of Smoked: Why Joe Camel is Still Smiling (Common Courage Press, 1999), 13.46.11, 11/29/99

Gregory Sasse, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Cleveland, Ohio, 13.47.11, 12/6/99

James K. Robinson, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 13.48.11, 12/13/99


Martha Crouch, Professor of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 14.01.10, 01/03/00

Stan Luger, Professor of Political Science, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, 14.02.12, 01/10/00

Mark Koehn, Crowell & Moring, Washington, D.C. 14.03.12, 01/17/00

Joe Thornton, Columbia University’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, New York, New York, 14.04.10, 01/24/00

Howard Goldstein, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, New York, New York, 14.05.10, 01/31/00

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 14.06.11, 2/7/00

Jim Kirwan, San Francisco, California, 14.07.11, 2/14/00

Scott Harshbarger, President, Common Cause, Washington, D.C., 14.08.12, 2/21/00

Rick Hind, Greenpeace, Washington, D.C., 14.09.12, 2/28/00

Gil Yaron, Director, Citizen’s Council On Corporate Issues, Vancouver, British Columbia, 14.10.12, 3/6/00

Jamie Lincoln Kitman, Author of The Secret History of Lead, New York, New York, 14.11.11, 3/13/00

Allan Ellis, Criminal Defense Attorney, Sausalito, California, 14.12.11, 03/20/00

Robert Shiller, Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 14.13.11, 03/27/00

Charles Carbone, Utility Consumers’ Action Network (UCAN), San Diego, California, 14.14.11, 04/03/00

James M. Hecker, Environmental Enforcement Attorney, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, Washington, D.C., 14.15.12, 04/10/00

Dale Charkanian Turza, Partern, Clifford Chance, Washington, D.C., 14.16.12, 04/17/00

Bradley Bennett, Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin, Washington, D.C., 14.17.11, 04/24/00

Janette Sherman, M.D., Alexandria, Virginia, 14.18.13, 05/1/00

Willard P. Ogburn, Executive Director, National Consumer Law Center, Boston, Massachusetts, 14.19.11, 05/08/00

Bob Ferris, Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, D.C., 14.20.11, 05/15/00

Carol Emory, Emory & Kroos, Portland, Oregon, 14.21.8, 05/22/00

Gerald Lefcourt, Criminal Defense Attorney, New York, New York, 14.22.9, 05/29/00

Jim Mohn, Director, Democracy and Corporate Accountability Project, Guttenberg, New Jersey, 14.23.12, 6/5/00

Matthew Pawa, Cohen, Millstein, Hausfeld & Toll, Washington, D.C., 14.24.13, 6/12/00

Win Swenson, National Director, Integrity Management, KMPG, Washington, D.C., 14.25.11, 6/19/00

James Mintz, President, James Mintz Group, New York, New York, 14.26.11, 06/26/00

Alvin Sewell, Inspector, Food Safety Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, Florida, 14.27.12, 7/3/00

Richard Johnston, Director, White Collar Crime Center, Richmond, Virginia, 14.28.9, 7/10/00

Jack Doyle, Author of Taken for a Ride: Detroit’s Big Three and the Politics of Pollution, Washington, D.C., 14.29.11, 07/17/00

James Lieber, Lieber & Hammer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 14.30.11, 07/24/00

Doug Kendall, Community Rights Counsel, Washington, D.C., 14.31.12, 07/31/00

William Fahey, Cooney & Conway, Chicago, Illinois, 14.32.11, 08/07/00

Ralph Hoar,, Fairfax, Virginia, 14.33.12, 08/14/00

Duff Conacher, Democracy Watch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 14.34.12, 09/04/00

Felicia Nestor, Food Safety Project Director, Government Accountability Project, Washington, D.C., 14.35.11, 9/11/00

Michael McCann, District Attorney, Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 14.36.11, 9/18/00

Keith Bolin, Farmer, Manlius, Illinois, 14.37.11, 9/25/00

Leonard Orland, Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut, 14.38.15, 10/2/00

Jeff Gates, Author of Democracy At Risk: Rescuing Main Street from Wall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, 14.39.10, 10/9/00

Tim Hermach, President, Native Forest Council, Eugene, Oregon, 14.40.7, 10/16/00

Ben Lilliston, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 14.41.10, 10/23/00

E. Marla Felcher, Author of It’s No Accident: How Corporations Sell Dangerous Baby Products, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 14.42.10, 10/30/00

Jerome Hoffman, Professor of Medicine, UCLA Medical School, Los Angeles, California, 14.43.11, 11/6/00

Sheldon Rampton, Editor, PR Watch, Madison, Wisconsin, 14.44.11, 11/13/00

David Himmelstein, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 14.45.8, 11/20/00

Cyrus Mehri, Mehri, Malkin & Ross, Washington, D.C., 14.46.10, 11/27/00

Thomas Frank, Editor, The Baffler, Chicago, Illinois, 14.47.11, 12/4/00

Robert Manning, Author, Credit Card Nation, Washington, D.C., 14.48.9, 12/11/00


Bill Conroy, Editor, San Antonio Business Journal, San Antonio, Texas, 15.01.13, 01/01/01

Carol Elder Bruce, Partner, Tighe, Patton, Armstrong, Teasdale, Washington, D.C., 15.02.10, 01/08/01

Jacob Frenkel, Counsel, Smith Gambrell & Russell, Washington, D.C., 15.03.10, 01/15/01

Margaret Colgate Love, Brand & Frulla, Washington, D.C., 15.04.8, 01/22/01

Morris Sandy Weinberg, Zuckerman Spaeder, Washington, D.C., 15.05.11, 01/29/01

Peter Navarro, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy, University of California, Irvine, California, 15.06.10, 02/05/01

Cynthia Williams, Associate Professor of Law, Georgetown University School of Law, Washington, D.C., 15.07.10, 02/12/01

Robert Fellmeth, Professor of Public Interest Law, University of San Diego Law School, San Diego, California, 15.08.8, 02/19/01

Charles Kolb, President, Committee for Economic Development, Washington, D.C., 15.09.9, 02/26/01

Marc Berry, Co-author of Spooked: Espionage in Corporate America, New York, New York, 15.10.9, 03/05/01

Eric Schlosser, Author of Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All American Meal, 15.11.8, 03/12/01

Paul A. Engelmayer, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, New York, New York, 15.12.9, 03/19/01

Jamie Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology, Washington,D.C., 15.13.11, 03/26/01

Dave Derosa, Environmental Activist, Washington, D.C., 15.14.9, 04/02/01

Mathew Fishbein, Covington & Burling, New York, New York, 15.15.12, 04/09/01

Jane Barrett, Partner, Dyer, Ellis & Joseph, Washington, D.C., 15.16.10, 04/16/01

Donald Klawiter, Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Washington, D.C., 15.17.9, 04/23/01

David Roe, Senior Attorney, Environmental Defense, San Francisco, California, 15.18.10, 04/30/01

Peter Kellman, Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, North Berwick, Maine, 15.19.9, 05/07/01

Christopher Myers, Partner, Holland & Knight, Washington, D.C., 15.20.10, 05/14/01

David Geneson, Partner, Hunton & Williams, Washington, D.C., 15.21.10, 05/21/01

James Cole, Bryan Cave, Washington, D.C., 15.22.7, 05/28/01

Kathi Austin, Director, Arms and Conflict Program, The Fund for Peace, Washington, D.C., 15.23.9, 06/4/01

Robert Morvillo, Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason & Silberberg, New York, New York, 15.24.9, 6/11/01

Robert Litt, Partner, Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C., 15.25.10, 6/18/01

Mark Cole, author of The Pied Pipers of Wall Street: How Analysts Sell You Down the River, Los Angeles, California, 15.26.10, 06/25/01

Phillip J. Green, United States Attorney, Western District of Michigan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 15.27.11, 7/2/01

Kenneth B. Moll, Kenneth B. Moll & Associates, Chicago, Illinois, 15.28.11, 7/9/01

Steve Taylor, Military Toxics Project, Lewiston, Maine, 15.29.11, 7/16/01

Michael Chertoff, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 15.30.12, 7/23/01

Breckenridge L.Willcox, Partner, Arent, Fox, Washington, D.C., 15.31.10, 7/30/01

Susan Aaronson, Senior Fellow, National Policy Association, Washington, D.C., 15.32.9, 8/6/01

Alan Snitow, Film Producer, Secrets of Silicon Valley, Berkeley, California, 15.33.10, 9/3/01

Arthur Bryant, Executive Director, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, Oakland, California, 15.34.9, 9/10/01

Seth Morris, Project on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C., 15.35.13, 9/17/01

Paul Hudson, Aviation Consumer Action Project, Washington, D.C., 15.36.11, 9/24/01

Dale Chakarian Turza, Partner, Clifford Chance, Washington, D.C., 15.37.11, 10/1/01

Laura Dickinson, Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut, 15.38.11, 10/8/01

Elizabeth Ainslie, Partner, Schander, Harrison, Segal & Lewis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 15.39.11, 10/15/01

Ovidio Diaz Espino, Author of How Wall Street Created A Nation, (Four Walls Eight Windows), New York, New York, 15.40.9, 10/22/01

David Burnham, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Washington, D.C., 15.41.11, 10/29/01

Michael Behn, Futterman & Howard, Chicago, Illinois, 15.42.10, 11/5/01

Stephen Meagher, Phillips & Cohen, San Francisco, California, 15.43.10, 11/12/01

Martin J. Weinstein, Foley & Gardner, Washington, D.C., 15.44.10, 11/19/01

Lawrence Barcella, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C. 15.45.12, 11/26/01

Lawrence Mitchell, Professor of Law, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 15.46.10, 12/3/01

Brian Wolfman, Public Citizen Litigation Group, Washington, D.C., 15.47.8, 12/10/01

Mark Dowie, Investigative Historian, Point Reyes, California, 15.48.11, 12/17/01


John Coffee, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, New York, New York, 16.01.8, 01/07/02

Jefferson M. Gray, Partner, Arent Fox, Washington, D.C., 16.02.10, 01/14/02

Thomas C. Green, Sidley & Austin, Washington, D.C., 16.03.11, 01/21/02

Ralph Estes, Emeritus Professor of Accounting, American University, Washington, D.C., 16.04.9, 01/28/02

Kent Greenfield, Associate Professor of Law, Boston College Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 16.05.10, 02/4/02

David Millon, Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, 16.06.11, 02/11/02

Richard Grossman, Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts, 16.07.10, 02/18/02

Susan Koniak, Professor of Law, Boston University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 16.08.6, 02/25/02

Robert A.G. Monks, Author of The New Global Investors, Washington, D.C., 16.09.9, 03/03/02

Winthrop Swenson, Compliance Systems Legal Group, Washington, D.C., 16.10.9, 03/10/02

John Bonifaz, Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts, 16.11.10, 03/17/02

Ira P. Robbins, Professor of Law, American University School of Law, Washington, D.C., 16.12.10, 03/24/02

Hector Cruz, Chemical Engineer Fired from Archer Daniels Midland, Martinsburg, West Virginia, 16.13.11, 4/1/02

Dave Derosa, Environmental Activist, Washington, D.C., 16.14.9, 4/8/02

Joan Mulher, Senior Legislative Counsel, EarthJustice Foundation, Washington, D.C., 16.15.10, 4/15/02

F. Joseph Warin, Partner Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, D.C., 16.16.13, 4/22/02

Reid Weingarten, Steptoe & Johnson, Washington, D.C., 16.17.12, 04/29/02

T. Sheridan O’Keefe, President, National Association of Investment Professionals, St. Paul, Minnesota, 16.18.9, 5/6/02

Marc Shapiro, Author of Big Tobacco: Uncovering The Industry’s Multibillion Global Smuggling Network, New York, New York, 16.19.10, 5/13/02

Pamela Bucy, Professor of Law, University of Alabama School of Law, Birmingham, Alabama, 16.20.10, 5/20/02

John Braithwaite, Professor, Research School Of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 16.21.10, 5/27/02

Michael Fine, Partner, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, Washington, D.C., 16.22.10, 6/3/02

Marjorie Kelly, Editor, Business Ethics Magazine, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 16.23.12, 6/10/02

Martin Weiss, Weiss Ratings, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 16.24.9, 6/17/02

Terry Collingsworth, Executive Director, International Labor Rights Fund, Washington, D.C., 16.25.10, 6/24/02

Michael Shaw, Reporter, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Belleville, Illinois, 16.26.10, 7/1/02

Michael Perelman, Professor of Economics, California State University, Chico, California, author of Steal This Idea: Intellectual Property Rights and the Corporate Confiscation of Creativity, 16.27.11, 7/8/02

Tony Clarke, Executive Director, Polaris Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 16.28.11, 7/15/02

Gary Ruskin, Executive Director, Commercial Alert, Portland, Oregon, 16.29.11, 7/22/02

Scott Klinger, Director, Responsible Wealth, United for a Fair Economy, Boston, Massachusetts, 16.30.11, 7/29/02

Peter Kinder, Chief Executive Office, KLD Research & Analytics, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts, 16.31.11, 8/5/02

Eric Holder, Partner, Covington & Burling, Washington, D.C. 16.32.9, 8/12/02

David Perry, Perry & Haas, Corpus Christi, Texas, 16.33.10, 09/02/02

Lisa Cullen, Author of A Job to Die For: Why So Many Americans are Killed, Injured or Made Ill At Work and What to Do About It, (Common Courage Press), 16.34.12, 09/09/02

Doug Heller, Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Los Angeles, California, 16.35.10, 09/16/02

Thom Hartmann, Author of Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights, (Rodale Press, 2002), 16.36.10, 09/23/02

Keith Bradsher, Reporter, New York Times, and Author of SUVs: The World’s Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got that Way (Public Affairs, 2002), 16.37.7, 9/30/02

Nancy Grunberg, Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civilletti, Washington, D.C., 16.38.10, 10/7/02

Cyrus Mehri, Partner, Mehri & Skalet, Washington, D.C. 16.39.11, 10/14/02

Scott Starr, Partner, Starr, Austen, Logansport, Indiana, 16.40.12, 10/21/02

Jeffrey Chester, Executive Director, Center for Digital Democracy, Washington, D.C. 16.41.11, 10/28/02

John Nichols, Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, 16.42.11, 11/5/02

Homer Moyer, Miller & Chevalier, Washington, D.C. 16.43.11, 11/12/02

Elaine Carey, Director of Investigations, Control Risks Group, Los Angeles, California 16.44.12, 11/19/02

Terry Norton, Executive Director, Better Government Association, Chicago, Illinois, 16.45.11, 11/26/02

Jack Doyle, Author of Riding the Dragon: Royal Dutch Shell and the Fossil Fire, Washington, D.C., 16.46.11, 12/2/02

Eugene Jarecki, Filmmaker, The Trials of Henry Kissinger, New York, New York, 16.47.11, 12/9/02

Robert L. McLeod, McLeod.McCann.LLC, St. Augustine, Florida, 16.48.11, 12/16/02


Jeff Milchen, Director, Reclaim Democracy.Org, Boulder, Colorado, 17.01.12, 01/06/03

Terrence Murphy, Murphy, Ellis, Weber, Washington, D.C., 17.02.11, 01/13/03

John T. Boese, Partner, Fried Frank Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, Washington, D.C., 17.03.10, 01/20/03

Arriana Huffington, Syndicated Columnist, Los Angeles, California, 17.04.11, 01/27/03

Andreas Zumach, Reporter, Die TagesZeitung, Berlin, Germany, 17.05.11, 02/03/03

Raymond Baker, Center for International Policy, Washington, D.C., 17.06.12, 02/10/03

Tom Grey, Executive Director, National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, Washington, D.C., 17.07.11, 02/17/03

Joanne Doroshow, Executive Director, National Center for Justice and Democracy, New York, New York, 17.08.11, 02/24/03

Mr X, Corporate Executive, United Kingdom, 17.09.11, 03/03/03

Richard Flagg, Jersey City, New Jersey, 17.10.13, 03/10/03

John Bonifaz, Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts, 17.11.10, 03/17/03

Ira P. Robbins, Professor of Law, American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C. 17.12.10, 03/24/03

Barbara Ley Toffler, Author of Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed, and the Fall of Arthur Andersen, 17.13.11, 03/31/03

Sherron Watkins, Former Enron Executive, Houston, Texas, 17.14.7, 04/07/03

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 17.15.8, 04/14/03

Neil V. Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 17.16.10, 04/21/03

Frank Partnoy, Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law, San Diego, California, 17.17.9, 04/28/03

Robert Hinkley, Former Skadden Arps Lawyer, Brooklin, Massachusetts, 17.18.10, 05/05/03

Dan Briody, author of The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World fo the Carlyle Group (Wiley, 2003), 17.19.12, 05/12/03

Jamie Court, Executive Director, Foudnation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Santa Monica, California, 17.20.11, 05/19/03

Dan Webb, Partner, Winston & Strawn, Chicago, Illinois, 17.21.12, 05/26/03

Hilary Krane, Assistant General Counsel, PricewaterhouseCoopers, San Francisco, California, 17.22.12, 06/02/03

R. Foster Winans, Former Wall Street Journal Reporter, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 17.23.10, 06/09/03

Herbert J. Hoelter, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, Baltimore, Maryland, 17.24.10, 6/16/03

Larry Johnson, Author of Absolute Honesty, Scottsdale, Arizona, 17.25.11, 6/23/03

John Dean, Former White House Counsel, Beverly Hills, California, 17.26.11, 6/30/03

Marc Raspanti, Miller, Alfano & Raspanti, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 17.27.8, July 7, 2003

Peter Letang, Deputy Attorney General, State of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware 17.28.12, July 14, 2003

Alan Vinegrad, Partner, Covington & Burling, New York, New York, 17.29.11, July 21, 2003

Satinath Sarangi, Bhopal Group for Information and Action, Bhopal, India, 12.30.12, July 28, 2003

Andrew Kaizer, Partner, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, New York, New York, 17.31.11, August 4, 2003

Stephen Kinzer, Author of All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and The Roots of Middle East Terror, Chicago, Illinois, 17.32.10, August 11, 2003

Charles Adwan, Executive Director, The Lebanese Transparency Association, Beirut, Lebanon, 17.33.11, September 1, 2003

Max Wallace, Author of American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich (St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 17.34.9, September 8, 2003

Mark Biros, Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP, Washington, D.C. 17.35.12, September 15, 2003

Jeffrey Ballinger, Director, Press for Change, Pisa, Italy, 17.36.12, September 22, 2003

Ted Nace, Author of Gangs of America, Berkeley, California 17.37.12, September 29, 2003

Bill Lockyer, Attorney General, Sacramento, California, 17.38.13, October 6, 2003

Douglas Fellman, Hogan & Hartson LLP, Washington, D.C., 17.39.11, October 13, 2003

Robert Salcido, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Washington, D.C., 17.40.11, October 20, 2003

Bill Mahon, President, National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, Washington, D.C., 17.41.11, October 27, 2003

Mary Beth Buchanan, U.S. Attorney, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 17.42.11, November 3, 2003

John Phillips, Phillips & Cohen, Washington, D.C., 17.43.8, November 10, 2003

Alice Martin, U.S. Attorney, Birmingham, Alabama, 17.44.12, November 17, 2003

Paul Kamenar, Washington Legal Foundation, Washington, D.C., 17.45.11, November 24, 2003

John Bogle, Chairman, Vanguard Group, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 17.46.13, December 1, 2003

Malcolm Sparrow, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 17.47.8, December 8, 2003

Harry Glasbeek, Author of Wealth by Stealth, Corporate Crime, Corporate Law and the Perversion of Democracy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 17.48.10, December 15, 2003


Lawrence Barcella, Paul Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, Washington, D.C., 18.01.10, January 5, 2004

David Cay Johnston, New York Times Reporter and Author of Perfectly Legal, New York, New York, 18.02.9, January 12, 2004

Bill Curry, Farmington, Connecticut, 18.03.8, January 19, 2004

David Callahan, Author of The Cheating Culture, New York, New York, 18.04.12, January 26, 2004

Steven Solow, Partner, Hunton & Williams, Washington, D.C. 18.05.9, February 2, 2004.

Tyler Bridges, Miami Herald Reporter and Author of Bad Bet on The Bayou: the Rise of Gambling in Louisiana, And the Fall of Governor Edwin Edwards, Lima, Peru, 18.06.10, February 9, 2004

Paul Gallegos, District Attorney, Humboldt County, California, 18.07.12, February 16, 2004.

Joel Bakan, Professor of Law, University of British Columbia, author of The Corporation (Free Press), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 18.08.10, February 23, 2004.

David M. Uhlmann, Chief Environmental Crimes Section U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 18.09.10, March 1, 2004

Andrew Wheat, Texans for Public Justice, Austin, Texas, 18.10.12, March 8, 2004.

Michael Stumo, General Counsel, Organization for Competitive Markets, Winsted, Connecticut, 18.11.12, March 15, 2004

Robert Monks, Lens Governance Associates, Portland, Maine, 18.12.10, March 22, 2004

Mark Rochon, Miller & Chevalier, Washington, D.C. 18.13.10, March 29, 2004

Homer Moyer, Miller & Chevalier, Washington, D.C. 18.14.11, April 5, 2004

Martha Burk, Chair, National Council of Women’s Organizations, Washington, D.C., 18.15.10, April 12, 2004

Julian Darley, Director, Post Carbon Institute, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 18.16.10, April 19, 2004

Win Swenson, Compliance Systems Legal Group, Warwick, Rhode Island, 18.17.10, April 26, 2004

Stephen Cowen, Partner, King & Spalding, Atlanta, Georgia, 18.18.11, May 3, 2004

Pratap Chatterjee, Corpwatch, Oakland, California 18.19.10, May 10, 2004

Henry Scammell, Author of Giant Killers: The Team and the Law That Help Whistle-Blowers Recover
America’s Stolen Billions (Atlantic Monthly Press), 18.20.11, May 17, 2004

Greg Farrell, Reporter, USA Today, New York, New York, 18.21.12, May 24, 2004

Timothy Lynch, Project on Criminal Justice, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C. 18.22.12, May 31, 2004

Caron Balkany, Author of The Ambushed Grand Jury, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 18.23.10, June 7, 2004

Christina Imre, Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold, Los Angeles, California, 18.24.10, June 14. 2004

Jane Houlihan, Environmental Working Group, Washington, D.C. 18.25.10, June 21, 2004

Alexandra Wrage, President, TRACE International, Washington, D.C. 18.26.10, June 28, 2004

Allie Thomas, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, 18.27.10, July 5, 2004

Gary Zeune, The Pros and the Cons, Powell, Ohio, 18.28.10, July 12, 2004

Roy Snell, CEO, Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, 18.29.10, July 19, 2004

Dena Parker, Childress, Texas, 18.30.10, July 26, 2004

Fred Stokes, Founder, Organization for Competitive Markets, Porterville, Mississippi, 18.31.12, August 2, 2004

Douglas A. Berman, Associate Professor of Law, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Columbus, Ohio, 18.32.9, August 9, 2004

Lawrence Salinger, Professor of Criminology, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 18.33.13, August 16, 2004

Stephen Green, author of Taking Sides, Berlin, Vermont, 18.34.12, September 6, 2004

Richard Lord, Author of American Nightmare: Predatory Lending and the Foreclosure of the American Dream, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 18.35.12, September 13, 2004

Leighton Christiansen, Truck Driver, Riverside, Iowa, 18.36.11, September 20, 2004

Merrill Goozner, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington, D.C., 18.37.11, September 27, 2004

Julian Joshua, Howrey, Brussels, Belgium, 18.38.11, October 4, 2004

Karen Bond, Former White Collar Federal Inmate, Columbus, Ohio, 18.39.10, October 11, 2004

Jean Lipman-Blumen, Author of The Allure of Toxic Leaders (Oxford University Press), Pasadena, California, 18.40.12, October 18, 2004

John Abramson, Clinical Instructuer, Harvard Medical School and Author of Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine (Harper Collins, 2004) Cambridge, Massachusetts 18.41.10, October 25, 2004

Douglas Heller, Executive Director, Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Santa Monica, California, 18.42.13, November 1, 2004

Nomi Prins, Author of Other People’s Money: The Corporate Mugging of America (The New Press, 2004), 18.43.12, November 8, 2004

Michael Mandel, Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 18.44.10, November 15, 2004

John Perkins, Author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Berrett Koehler, 2004), Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 18.45.08, November 22, 2004

Jack Doyle, Author of Trespass Against Us: Dow Chemical & The Toxic Century (Common Courage Press, 2004), 18.46.11, November 29, 2004

Liza Featherstone, Author of Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers’ Rights at Wal-Mart (Basic Books, 2004), New York, New York, 18.47.11, December 6, 2004

Leonard Orland, Professor, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut, 18.48.9, December 13, 2004


Robert Kennedy, Jr., Author of Crimes Against Nature (Harper Collins, 2004), New York, New York, 19.1.9, January 3, 2005

Michael Saba, Cordova, Tennesee, 19.2.11, January 10, 2005

Steven Molo, Partner, Shearman and Sterling, New York, New York, 19.3.10, January 17, 2005

Charles Hamel, Oil Industry Critic, Alexandria, Virginia, 19.4.9, January 24, 2005

Charlie Cray, Director, Center for Corporate Policy, Washington, D.C., 19.5.11, January 31, 2005

Charles Gasparino, Author of Blood on the Street: The Sensational Inside Story of How Wall Street Analysts Duped a Generation of Investors (Free Press 2005), 19.6.10, February 7, 2005

Andrew Schneider, Deputy Assistant Managing Editor for Investigations,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri, 19.7.10, February 14, 2005

Brent Farris, Hospital Consultant, Brandon, Mississippi, 19.8.10, February 21, 2005

Robert J. Giuffra, Jr., Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell, New York, New York, 19.9.10, February 28, 2005

Neal Shover, Professor of Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 19.10.12, March 7, 2005

Dan Webb, Partner, Winston & Strawn, Chicago, Illinois, 19.11.10, March 14, 2005

Michele C. S. Lange, Kroll Ontrack Inc., Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 19.12.11, March 21, 2005

Brent Farris, Hospital Consultant, Brandon, Mississippi, 19.13.9, March 28, 2005

Ross Garber, Partner, Shipman & Goodwin, Hartford, Connecticut, 19.14.9, April 4, 2005

Dr. Samuel Epstein, Cancer Prevention Coalition, Chicago, Illinois, 19.15.10, April 11, 2005

Jennifer Washburn, New America Foundation, Washington, D.C., 19.16.9, April 18, 2005

David Kirby, Author of Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic (St. Martin’s Press), Brooklyn, New York, 19.17.9, April 25, 2005

Steve Chase, Antioch New England Graduate School, Keene, New Hampshire, 19.18.10, May 2, 2005

Joshua Berman, Partner, Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal, Washington, D.C., 19.19.10, May 9, 2005

Richard Kahn, American Diabetes Association, Washington, D.C. 19.20.09, May 16, 2005

Patrick Burns, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C., 19.21.10, May 23, 2005

Robert C. Blume, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, D.C., 19.22.10, May 30, 2005

Ray Bourhis, Partner, Bourhis & Wolfson, San Francisco, California, 19.23.10, June 6, 2005

Greg LeRoy, Good Jobs First, Washington, D.C., 19.24.10, June 13, 2005

C. Evan Stewart, Partner, Brown Raysman, New York, New York, 19.25.10, June 20, 2005

Kirby D. Behre, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C. 19.26.10, June 27, 2005

Joel Hirschhorn, Author of Sprawl Kills, Bethesda, Maryland, 19.27.10, July 4, 2005

Plato Cacheris, Partner, Trout Cacheris, Washington, D.C., 19.28.10, July 11, 2005

Diane Wilson, Author of An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers, Politicos, Polluters and the Fight for Seadrift, Texas, 19.29.10, July 18, 2005

Alan Ellis, San Rafael, California, 19.30.10, July 25, 2005

Ellen Podgor, Professor of Law, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 19.31.11, August 1, 2005

William Brittain-Catlin, Author of Offshore: The Dark Side of the Global Economy (FSG, 2005), 19.32.11, August 8, 2005

John C. Coffee, Professor of Law, Columbia University, New York, New York, 19.33.10, August 29, 2005

William K. Black, Author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One, Austin, Texas, 19.34.8, September 5, 2005

Charles Scheeler, Partner, Piper Rudnick Gray Cary, Baltimore, Maryland, 19.35.11, September 12, 2005

Joseph F. Savage, Jr., Partner, Goodwin Procter, Boston, Massachusetts, 19.36.11, September 19, 2005

Stephanie Martz, Director, White Collar Crime Project, National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, Washington, D.C., 19.37.11, September 26. 2005

Peter Irons, Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California, 19.38.12, October 3, 2005

Lynn LoPucki, Professor of Law, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 19.39.12, October 10, 2005

William Mateja, Partner, Fish & Richardson, Dallas, Texas, 19.40.12, October 17, 2005

Joe Loughran, McLean, Virginia, 19.41.12, October 24, 2005

Lesley Ann Skillen, Partner, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 19.42.12, October 31, 2005

Glen Ware, Managing Director, Diligence Inc., Washington, D.C., 19.43.12, November 7, 2005

David Kelley, Partner, Cahill Gordon, New York, New York, 19.44.11, November 14, 2005

Alice Martin, U.S. Attorney, Birmingham, Alabama, 19.45.10, November 21, 2005

David Pitofsky, Partner, Goodwin Procter, New York, New York, 19.46.10, November 28, 2005

Bemjamin M. Greenblum, Author of “What Happens to a Prosecution Deferred?” Columbia Law Review, New York, New York, 19.47.10, December 5, 2005

Mary Jo White, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, New York, New York, 19.48.10, December 12, 2005


Frederick Morgan, Jr., Volkema, Thomas, Cincinnati, Ohio, 20.01.10, January 2, 2006

Win Swenson, Partner, Compliance Systems Legal Group, Senior Advisor, Integrity Interactive Corp.,Washington, D.C., 20.02.08, January 9, 2006

Mark Horlings, Assistant Attorney General, Phoenix, Arizona, 20.03.11, January 16, 2006

Dimitra Doukas, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 20.04.10, January 23, 2006

Thomas Sjoblom, Partner, Chadbourne Parke, New York, New York, 20.05.10, January 30, 2006

Timothy Coleman, Partner, Dewey Balantine, Washington, D.C., 20.06.10, February 6, 2006

Christopher J. Clark, Partner, LeBoeuf Lamb, New York, New York, 20.07.11, February 13, 2006

Joe Loughran, McLean, Virginia, 20.08.10, February 20, 2006

Andrew Weissmann, Former Director, Enron Task Force, New York, New York, 20.09.10, February 27, 2006

F. Joseph Warin, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, D.C., 20.10.11, March 6, 2006

Tom Hanusik, Partner, Crowell & Moring, Washington, D.C., 20.11.10, March 13, 2006

Lanny Breuer, Partner, Covington & Burling, Washington, D.C., 20.12.10, March 20, 2006

Alan Grayson, Partner, Grayson & Kubli, McLean, Virginia, 20.13.11, March 27, 2006

William Mitchelson, Jr., Partner, Alton & Bird, Atlanta, Georgia, 20.14.12, April 3, 2006

Gary Weiss, Author of Wall Street Versus America, New York, New York, 20.15.11, April 10, 2006

Robert Rhoad, Partner, Porter, Wright, Washington, D.C., 20.16.11, April 17, 2006

Stephen Kinzer, Author of Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, New York, New York, 20.17.11, April 24, 2006

Stephen J. Bronis, Partner, Zuckerman Spaeder, Miami, Florida, 20.18.11, May 1, 2006

David Sirota, Author of Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government — and How We Take It Back (Crown, 2006), 20.19.11, May 8, 2006

Tamar Frankel, Professor of Law, Boston University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 20.20.11, May 15, 2006

Michael Madigan, Partner, Akin Gump, Washington, D.C., 20.21.11, May 22, 2006

Lawrence D. Finder, Partner, Haynes and Boone, and Ryan D. McConnell, Associate, Baker Botts, Houston, Texas, 20.22.10, May 29, 2006

Michele Simon, Director, Center for Informed Food Choices, Oakland, California, 20.23.11, June 5, 2006

James Ferrell, Managing Director, Arbinger Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah, 20.24.9, June 12, 2006

Marc Galanter, Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, Wisconsin, 20.25.12, June 19, 2006

Stuart P. Green, Professor of Law, Louisiana State University Law School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 20.26.11, June 26, 2006

John Hasnas, Author of Trapped: When Acting Ethically Is Against the Law, Washington, D.C., 20.27.11, July 3, 2006

Keith Krakaur, Partner, Skadden Arps, New York, New York, 20.28.12, July 10, 2006

Jeff Goodell, Author of Big Coal, Saratoga Springs, New York, 20.29.09, July 17, 2006

Scott Michel, Partner, Caplin & Drysdale, Washington, D.C., 20.30.10, July 24, 2006

Christopher Wray, Partner, King & Spalding, Washington, D.C., 20.31.10, July 31, 2006

John Quigley, Professor of Law, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Columbus, Ohio, 20.32.10, August 7, 2006

Pascale Helene Dubois, Acting Manager, Voluntary Disclosure Program, World Bank, Washington, D.C., 20.33.11, August 28, 2006

David Anders, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, New York, New York, 20.34.10, September 4, 2006

Daniel R. Alonso, Kaye Scholer, New York, New York, 20.35.11, September 11, 2006

George A. Stamboulidis, Baker Hostetler, New York, New York, 20.36.11, September 18, 2006

David Callahan, Author of The Moral Center (Harcourt, 2006), New York, New York, 20.37.10, September 25, 2006

William Pendergast, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C., 20.38.10, October 2, 2006

Lawrence Byrne, Partner, White & Case, New York, New York, 20.39.10, October 9, 2006

Michael Shepard, Partner, Heller Ehrman, San Francisco, California, 20.40.10, October 16, 2006

Samuel Seymour, Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell, New York, New York, 20.41.10, October 23, 2006

James Burrus, FBI Criminal Investigations Division, Washington, D.C., 20.42.10, October 30, 2006

Brien O’Connor, Partner, Ropes & Gray, Boston, Massachusetts, 20.43.10, November 6, 2006

Edwin Black, author of Internal Combustion (St. Martin’s Press, 2006), New York, New York, 20.44.10, November 13, 2006

John Hueston, Partner, Irell & Manella, Los Angeles, California, 20.45.10, November 20, 2006

Raymond Banoun, Partner, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, Washington, D.C., 20.46.11, November 27, 2006

Richard Epstein, Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, 20.47.9, December 4, 2006

Peter Rost, Former VP Pfizer, Short Hills, New Jersey, 20.48.10, December 11, 2006


John Coffee, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, New York, New York, 21.1.11, January 1, 2007

Patrick Burns, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C., 21.2.11, January 8, 2007

Kent Greenfield, Professor of Law, Boston College, Newton, Massachusetts, 21.3.12, January 15, 2007

Bruce Freed, Center for Political Accountability, Washington, D.C., 21.4.12, January 22, 2007

Nicholas Freudenberg, Professor of Public Health, Hunter College, City University of New York, New York, New York, 21.5.12, January 29, 2007

Philip Segal, James Mintz Group, New York, New York, 21.6.12, February 5, 2007

Alison Smith, Partner, Haynes and Boone, Houston, Texas, 21.7.12, February 12, 2007

Lynn Turner, Managing Director for Research, Glass Lewis, Denver, Colorado, 21.8.12, February 19, 2007

Stephanie Woolhandler, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 21.9.12, February 26, 2007

Edward Little, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, 21.10.12, March 5, 2007

Joan Hemingway, Associate Professor, University if Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, Tennessee, 21.11.12, March 12, 2007

Michael Seigel, Professor of Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law, Gainesville, Florida, 21.12.12, March 19, 2007

William Sullivan, Partner, Winston & Strawn, Washington, D.C., 21.13.12, March 26, 2007

Ellen Zimiles, CEO, Daylight Forensic & Advisory, New York, New York 21.14.12, April 2, 2007

Dan Heyman, Charleston, West Virginia, 21.15.13, April 9, 2007

Michael Levy, Partner, McKee Nelson, Washington, D.C., 21.16.11, April 16, 2007

James McGuire, Partner, Sheppard Mullin, New York, New York, 21.17.12, April 23, 2007

Neil Getnick, Partner, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 21.18.12, April 30, 2007

Victor Comras, The Eren Law Firm, Washington, D.C., 21.19.12, May 7, 2007

David Geneson, Partner, Sheppard Mullin, Washington, D.C., 21.20.12, May 14, 2007

Patrick Collins, Partner, Perkins Coie, Chicago, Illinois, 21.21.12, May 21, 2007

Jeffrey Ballinger, Anti-Sweatshop Activist, Vienna, Austria, 21.22.10, May 28, 2007

Tracy Miner, Partner, Mintz Levin, Boston, Massachusetts, 21.23.10, June 4, 2007

David Bayless, Partner, Covington & Burling, San Francisco, California, 21.24.10, June 11, 2007

Joshua Hochberg, Partner, McKenna Long, Washington, D.C., 21.25.11, June 18, 2007

Barry Pollack, Partner, Kelley Drye Collier Shannon, Washington, D.C., 21.26.11, June 25, 2007

Preston Burton, Partner, Orrick, Washington, D.C. 21.27.11, July 2, 2007

Gregory Poe, Partner, Robbins, Russell, Washington, D.C., 21.28.11, July 9, 2007

Robert Tarun, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, Chicago, Illinois, 21.29.11, July 16, 2007

Richard Zabel, Partner, Akin Gump, Washington, D.C., 21.30.11, July 23, 2007

John Lee Stark, Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement, Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C., 21.31.11, July 30, 2007

Debra Wong Yang, Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, Los Angeles, 21.32.11, August 6, 2007

DeMaurice Smith, Partner, Patton Boggs, Washington, D.C., 21.33.13, August 27, 2007

Hank Shea, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 21.34.9, September 3, 2007

Jan Handzlik, Partner, Howrey, Los Angeles, California, 21.35.12, September 10, 2007

Richard Moberly, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Nebraska College of Law, 21.36.10, September 17, 2007

Timothy Dickinson, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C., 21.37.10, September 24, 2007

Richard Nelson, Partner, Sideman & Bancroft, San Francisco, California, 21.38.12, October 1, 2007

Karl Buch, Chadbourne & Parke, New York, New York, 21.39.11, October 8, 2007

Stuart Deming, The Deming Group, Washington, D.C., 21.40.12, October 15, 2007

Susan Burke, Burke O’Neil, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 21.41.11, October 22, 2007

Michael Considine, Day Pitney, New York, New York, 21.42.11, October 29, 2007

Philip Urofsky, Shearman & Sterling, Washington, D.C., 21.43.11, November 5, 2007

Theodore Boutrous Jr., Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, Los Angeles, California, 21.44.11, November 12, 2007

Michael Lighty, California Nurses Association, Oakland, California, 21.45.11, November 19, 2007

Nell Minow, The Corporate Library, Portland, Maine, 21.46.11, November 26, 2007

David Perry, Perry & Haas, Corpus Christi, Texas, 21.47.10, December 3, 2007

Nicholas Theodorou, Foley Hoag, Boston, Massachusetts, 21.47.11, December 10, 2007

Wendy Schwartz, Reed Smith, New York, New York, 22.01.10, January 7, 2008

Christopher Curran, White & Case, Washington, D.C., 22.02.10, January 14, 2008

David Laufman, Partner, Kelley Drye, Washington, D.C., 22.03.10, January 21, 2008

Bob Sullivan, Author of Gotcha Capitalism, New York, New York, 22.04.10, January 28, 2008

Ed Fuhr, Partner, Hunton & Williams, Richmond, Virginia, 22.05.10, February 4, 2008

Paul Cassell, University of Utah College of Law, Salt Lake City, Utah, 22.06.10, February 11, 2008

R. Joseph Burby, Powell Goldstein, Atlanta, Georgia, 22.07.10, February 18, 2008

Katherine Lauer, Latham & Watkins, San Diego, California, 22.08.10, February 25, 2008

David Lillehaug, Frederikson & Byron, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22.09.10, March 3, 2008

Danforth Newcomb, Shearman & Sterling, New York, New York, 22.10.10, March 10, 2008

Craig Carpenito, Alston & Bird, New York, New York, 22.11.10, March 17, 2008

Lawrence Byrne, Linklaters, New York, New York, 22.12.10, March 24, 2008

Kerry Francis, Partner, Deloitte, San Francisco, California, 22.13.11, March 31, 2008

Marc Mukasey, Bracewell & Giuliani, New York, New York, 22.14.10, April 7, 2008

Mark Grueskin, Isaacson Rosenbaum, Denver, Colorado, 22.15.12, April 14, 2008

Craig King, Arent Fox, Washington, D.C., 22.16.11, April 21, 2008

Robert Meunier, Debarment Official, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 22.17.12, April 28, 2008

William Wiist, Chair, Department of Health Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, 22.18.14, May 5, 2008

Byron Bloch, Auto Safety Consultant, Bethesda, Maryland, 22.19.12, May 12, 2008

David Michaels, Director, Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy, George Washington University, Washington, D. C., 22.20.12, May 19, 2008

Tyson Slocum, Director, Energy Program, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 22.21.12, May 26, 2008

Vincent Bugliosi, author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Los Angeles, California, 22.22.10, June 2, 2008

David Uhlmann, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 22.23.11, June 9, 2008

Michael Zeldin, Deloitte, Washington, D.C. , 22.24.11, June 16, 2008

Ben Heineman Jr., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 22.25.09, June 23, 2008

Ugo Mattei, Professor, Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, California, 22.26.09, June 30, 2008

Robert Lande, Professor, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, 22.27.10, July 7, 2008

Andrew Weissmann, Partner, Jenner & Block, New York, New York 22.28.10, July 14, 2008

John Connor, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 22.29.11, July 21, 2008

Paul Muolo, Editor, National Mortgage News, Washington, D.C., 22.30.10, July 28, 2008

Bruce Marks, Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, Boston, Massachusetts, 22.31.10, August 4, 2008

Elizabeth Bartholet, Professor, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 22.32.10, August 11, 2008

Philip Mattera, Corporate Research Project at Good Jobs First, Washington, D.C. 22.33.10, September 1, 2008

Stacy Malkan, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, San Francisco, Califorinia, 22.34.10, September 8, 2008

Thomas O. Gorman, Partner, Porter Wright, Washington, D.C., 22.35.13, September 15, 2008

Frank Bowman, Professor, University of Missouri School of Law, Columbia, Missouri, 22.36.12, September 22, 2008

Craig Margolis, Partner, Vinson & Elkins, Washington, D.C., 22.37.12, September 29, 2008

Randall Eliason, George Washington University Law School, 22.38.12, October 6, 2008

John Vandevelde, Partner, Crowell & Moring, Los Angeles, California, 22.39.12, October 13, 2008

John Sturc, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, D.C. 22.40.12, October 20, 2008

David Kotz, Inspector General, Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C., 22.41.12, October 27, 2008

Les Weisbrod, President, American Association for Justice, Washington, D.C., 22.42.12, November 3, 2008

Juan Angel Guerra, District Attorney, Willacy County, Raymondville, Texas, 22.43.10, November 10, 2008

Scott West, Criminal Investigative Division, Environmental Protection Agency (retired), Seattle, Washington, 22.44.9, November 17, 2008

John Hueston, Irell & Manella, Los Angeles, California, 22.45.10, November 24, 2008

Dr. Jonathan Ross, Single Payer Action Network, Toledo, Ohio, 22.46.10, December 1, 2008

Bert Foer, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 22.47.13, December 8, 2008

Gary Edwards, Ethos International, Bethesda, Maryland, 22.48.10, December 15, 2008


Paul Hochfeld, Emergency Room Physician, Corvallis, Oregon, 23.01.11, January 5, 2009

Jim Walden, Partner, Gibson Dunn, New York, New York, 23.02.11, January 12, 2009

David Balto, Antitrust Attorney, Washington, D.C., 23.03.13, January 19, 2009

Sally Blinken, Partner, Venable, New York, New York, 23.04.13, January 26, 2009

Lawrence Finder, Partner, Haynes and Boone, Houston, Texas, 23.05.12, February 2, 2009

Claudius Sokenu, Partner, Arnold & Porter, New York, New York, 23.06.13, February 9, 2009

Steve Madison, Partner, Quinn Emanuel, Los Angeles, California, 23.07.12, February 16, 2009

David Seide, Partner, Curtis Mallet-Prevost, New York, New York, 23.08.12, February 23, 2009

John Carney, Partner, Baker Hostetler, New York, New York, 23.09.12, March 2, 2009

Anthony Barkow, Center on the Administration of Criminal Law, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 23.10.12, March 9, 2009

Jerry Mander, Author of The SuperFerry Chronicles, San Francisco, California, 23.11.12, March 16, 2009

Aaron Marcu, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus, New York, New York, 23.12.12, March 23, 2009

Gil Soffer, Partner, Katten Muchin, Chicago, Illinois, 23.13.12, March 30, 2009

Peter Spivack, Partner, Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D.C., 23.14.13, April 6, 2009

Alison Bass, Author of Side Effects, Boston, Massachusetts, 23.15.12, April 13, 2009

Frank Razzano, Partner, Pepper Hamilton, Washington, D.C., 23.16.13, April 20, 2009

Marc Raspanti, Pietragallo Gordon Alfano, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 23.17.11, April 27, 2009

Elizabeth Burke, Burke O’Neil, Washington, D.C., 23.18.12, May 4, 2009

Eliot Spitzer, New York, New York, 23.19.12, May 11, 2009

Patrick Burns, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C., 23.20.11, May 18, 2009

Harry Markopolos, Madoff Whistleblower, Boston, Massachusetts, 23.21.11, May 25, 2009

Christopher Myers, Holland & Knight, McLean, Virginia, 23.22.11, June 1, 2009

Kate Bronfenbrenner, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 23.23.12, June 8, 2009

John Kocoras, McDermott Will, Chicago, Illinois, 23.24.14, June 15, 2009

Joanne Doroshow, Center for Justice & Democracy, New York, New York, 23.25.14, June 22, 2009

William K. Black, Professor of Economics and Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 23.26.13, June 29, 2009

Barry Castleman, Environmental Consultant, Garrett Park, Maryland, 23.27.12, July 6, 2009

Kevin O’Connor, Bracewell & Giuliani, New York, New York, 23.28.12, July 13, 2009

Wendell Potter, Center for Media and Democracy, Madison, Wisconsin, 23.29.12, July 20, 2009

Ashley Taylor, Troutman Sanders, Richmond, Virginia, 23.30.12, July 27, 2009

Tom Baker, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 23.31.12, August 4, 2009

Patrick Collins, Perkins Coie, Chicago, Illinois, 23.32.12, August 11, 2009

Vince McKnight, McKnight & Kennedy, Silver Spring, Maryland, 23.33.11, August 31, 2009

Brian Kenney, Kenney Egan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 23.34.12, September 7, 2009

Malcolm Sparrow, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 23.35.11, September 14, 2009

Paul Schoeman, Partner, Kramer Levin, New York, New York, 23.36.12, September 21, 2009

Matt Pawa, Environmental Attorney, Boston, Massachusetts, 23.37.10, September 28, 2009

Bert Foer, American Antitrust Institute, 23.38.09, October 5, 2009

Bruce Yannett, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, New York, New York, 23.39.10, October 12, 2009

J.P. Hanlon, Partner, Baker & Daniels, co-author of Punishing Corporate Crime (Oxford University Press, 2009), Indianapolis, Indiana, 23.40.10, October 19, 2009

Michael Collora, Partner, Dwyer Collora, Boston, Massachusetts, 23.41.12, October 26, 2009

Randy Stutz, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 23.42.12, November 2, 2009

Steven Donziger, New York, New York, Attorney for Ecuadoran Chevron Victims, 23.43.10, November 9, 2009

Jeffrey Ballinger, Anti-Sweatshop Activist, Boston, Massachusetts 23.44.10, November 16, 2009

James Tillen, Partner, Miller & Chevalier, Washington, D.C., 23.45.10, November 23, 2009

Danforth Newcomb, Shearman & Sterling, New York, New York, 23.46.12, November 30, 2009

Michael Gurland, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, Chicago, Illinois, 23.47.12, December 7, 2009

Lloyd Constantine, author of Priceless: The Case That Brought Down the Visa/Mastercard Bank Cartel, 23.48.12, December 14, 2009


Lewis Morris, HHS Office of the Inspector General, Washington, D.C., 24.01.12, January 4, 2010

Bernard Ascher, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 24.02.14, January 11, 2010

Stuart Gerson, Epstein, Becker & Green, Washington, D.C., 24.03.12, January 18, 2010

Stephen Kohn, National Whistleblowers Center, Washington, D.C., 24.04.12, January 25, 2010

Michael Sklaire, Partner, Greenberg Traurig, Washington, D.C., 24.05.14, February 1, 2010

Peter Henning, Professor, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, Michigan, 24.06.12, February 8, 2010

Barry C. Lynn, New America Foundation, Washington, D.C., 24.07.12, February 15, 2010

Thomas Hagemann, Partner, Gardere & Wynne, Houston, Texas, 24.08.12, February 22, 2010

Charlotte Dennett, Cambridge, Vermont, 24.09.12, March 1, 2010

Bill Black, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law, 24.10.12, March 8, 2010

Oliver Hall, Center for Competitive Democracy, Washington, D.C., 24.11.12, March 15, 2010

Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association, Washington, D.C., 24.12.10, March 22, 2010

Harry Markopolos, Madoff Whistleblower, Boston, Massachusetts, 24.13.9, March 29, 2010

Patrick Clawson, Private Investigator, Flint, Michigan, 24.14.9, April 5, 2010

Mike Koehler, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 24.15.11, April 12, 2010

Dan Heyman, Reporter, Charleston, West Virginia, 24.16.12, April 19, 2010

William Maakestad, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, 24.17.13, April 26, 2010

William Quirk, Professor of Law, University of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, South Carolina, 24.18.13, May 3, 2010

Diana Moss, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 24.19.13, May 10, 2010

Chuck Nelson, Glen Daniel, West Virginia, 24.20.13, May 17, 2010

Brian O’Neill, Faegre & Benson, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 24.21.13, May 24, 2010

Byron Bloch, Auto Safety Expert, Potomac, Maryland, 24.22.13, May 31, 2010

Rena Steinzor, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, 24.23.13, June 7, 2010

Minness Justice, Retired MSHA Inspector, Man, West Virginia, 24.24.13, June 14, 2010

Jeanne Pascal, Former EPA Debarment Attorney, Seattle, Washington, 24.25.11, June 21, 2010

Gary Ruskin,, San Rafael, California, 24.26.10, June 28, 2010

Rob Hager, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 24.27.9, July 5, 2010

David Zornow, Skadden Arps, New York, New York, 24.28.10, July 12, 2010

Andrea Peacock, Author of Wasting Libby, Livingston, Montana, 24.29.10, July 19, 2010

Michael Loucks, Partner, Skadden Arps, Boston, Massachusetts, 24.30.10, July 26, 2010

Stacy Malkan, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, San Francisco, California, 24.31.10, August 2, 2010

James Ridgeway,, Washington, D.C., 24.32.10, August 9, 2010

David Kirby, author of Animal Factory (St. Martin’s Press, 2010), New York, New York, 24.33.10, August 30, 2010

Aneel Karnani, Associate Professor of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 24.34.10, September 6, 2010

Mark Mendelsohn, Partner, Paul Weiss, Washington, D.C., 24.35.10, September 13, 2010

Asheesh Goel, Partner, Ropes & Gray, Washington, D.C., 24.36.10, September 20, 2010

Scott Muller, Partner, Davis Polk, New York, New York, 24.37.10, September 27, 2010

Richard Grime, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, D.C., 24.38.10, October 4, 2010

Markus Funk, Partner, Perkins Coie, Denver, Colorado, 24.39.11, October 11, 2010

William Lerach, La Jolla, California, 24.40.11, October 18, 2010

Steve Fagell, Partner, Covington & Burling, Washington, D.C., 24.41.11, October 25, 2010

Peter Spivack, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, D.C., 24.42.11, November 1, 2010

Neil Getnick, Partner, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 24.43.11, November 8, 2010

Mark Radke, Partner, Arent Fox, Washington, D.C., 24.44.12, November 15, 2010

Kim Eisler, Author of Masters of the Game, Washington, D.C., 24.45.12, November 22, 2010

Andrew Weissmann, Partner, Jenner & Block, New York, New York, 24.46.11, November 29, 2010

Percy Schmeiser, Farmer, Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada, 24.47.11, December 6, 2010

Robert Tarun, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, San Francisco, California, 24.48.11, December 13, 2010


Nassim Taleb, Author of The Black Swan, New York, New York, 25.01.11, January 3, 2011

Simon Johnson, Professor of Economics, MIT, Boston, Massachusetts, 25.02.11, January 10, 2011

Byron Bloch, Auto Safety Expert, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 25.03.11, January 17, 2011

Ryan McConnell, Partner, Haynes & Boone, Houston, Texas, 25.04.11, January 24, 2011

Sharie Brown, Partner, DLA Piper, Washington, D.C., 25.05.12, January 31, 2011

Michael Levy, Partner, Bingham, Washington, D.C., 25.06.12, February 7, 2011

F. Joseph Warin, Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, D.C., 25.07.11, February 14, 2011

David Uhlmann, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 25.08.12, February 21, 2011

Richard Alderman, Director, UK Serious Fraud Office, London, UK, 25.09.12, February 28, 2011

Jeremy Maltby, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, D.C., 25.10.12, March 7, 2011

Carl Loewenson, Jr., Partner, Morrison Foerster, New York, New York, 25.11.12, March 14, 2011

Gershon Cohen, Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters, Haines, Alaska, 25.12.12, March 21, 2011

Bethany Hengsbach, Partner, Sheppard Mullin, Los Angeles, California, 25.13.12, March 28, 2011

Kenneth Davidson, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 25.14.12, April 4, 2011

Devra Davis, Author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, Washington, D.C., 25.15.11, April 11, 2011

Robert Manning, President, Responsible Debt Relief Institute, Rochester, New York, 25.16.12, April 18, 2011

Jim Walden, Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, New York, New York 25.17.12, April 25, 2011

Fred Stokes, Executive Director, Organization for Competitive Markets, Porterville, Mississippi, 25.18.12, May 2, 2011

Mark Srere, Partner, Bryan Cave, Washington, D.C., 25.19.12, May 9, 2011

Andy Cochran,, Washington, D.C., 25.20.12, May 16, 2011

W. Neil Eggleston, Partner, Debevoise, Washington, D.C., 25.21.12, May 23, 2011

Albert Foer, President, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 25.22.12, May 30, 2011

David Friedrichs, Professor of Criminology, University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania, 25.23.12, June 6, 2011

Neil Barofsky, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 25.24.12, June 13, 2011

George Terwilliger, Partner, White & Case, Washington, D.C., 25.25.14, June 20, 2011

Harry Kelber,, New York, New York, 25.26.13, June 27, 2011

Mario Monti, President, Bocconi University, Milan, Rome, 25.27.12, July 4, 2011

Ray Rogers, Corporate Campaign, New York, New York, 25.28.12, July 11, 2011

Agnieszka Fryszman, Partner, Cohen Milstein, Washington, D.C., 25.29.11, July 18, 2011

Patrick Gnazzo, McLean, Virginia, 25.30.12, July 25, 2011

Curtis Wilkie, Author of The Fall of the House of Zeus, Oxford, Mississippi, 25.31.12, August 1, 2011

Rebecca Roiphe, New York Law School, New York, New York, 25.32.12, August 8, 2011

Jordan Thomas, Partner, Labaton Sucharow, New York, New York, 25.33.12, August 29, 2011

Mark Fickes, Partner, BraunHagey & Borden, San Francisco, California, 25.34.12, September 5, 2011

Gary Aguirre, Aguirre Law Firm, San Diego, Calfornia, 25.35.09, September 12, 2011

Paul McNulty, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Washington, D.C., 25.36.12, September 19, 2011

Colby Smith, Partner, Debevoise, Washington, D.C., 25.37.12, September 26, 2011

William LaCorte, MD, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25.38.12, October 3, 2011

Joshua Buchman, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery, Washington, D.C., 25.39.12, October 10, 2011

Richard Grossman, West Hurley, New York, 25.40.12, October 17, 2011

Marsha Coleman Adebayo, Author of No Fear, Washington, D.C., 25.41.12, October 24, 2011

Jon Grand, Chicago, Illinois, 25.42.11, October 31, 2011

Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone Magazine, Jersey City, New Jersey, 25.43.11, November 7, 2011

Jane Barrett, Professor of Law, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, 25.44.12, November 14, 2011

Barry Castleman, Garrett Park, Maryland, 25.45.11, November 21, 2011

Jack Abramoff, Washington, D.C., 25.46.11, November 28, 2011

Peter Schweizer, Author of Throw Them All Out, Stanford, California, 25.47.11, December 5, 2011

Peter Zeidenberg, Partner, DLA Piper, Washington, D.C., 25.48.11, December 12, 2011


John Braithwaite, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 26.01.11, January 2, 2012

Sam Williamson, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, Shanghai, China, 26.02.11, January 9, 2012

Paul Friedman, Partner, Morrison & Foerster, San Francisco, California 26.03.11, January 16, 2012

Michael Volkov, Partner, Mayer Brown, Washington, D.C., 26.04.12, January 23, 2012

Rose Baker, Wetzel County Citizen Action Group, New Martinsburg, West Virginia, 26.05.10, January 30, 2012

Steve Molo, Partner, MoloLamken, New York, New York, 26.06.10, February 6, 2012

William Shernoff, Partner, Shernoff Bidart, Beverly Hills, California, 26.07.12, February 12, 2012

S. David Freeman, Washington, D.C., 26.08.12, February 19, 2012

Jeb White, Partner, Nolan & Auerbach, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26.09.12, February 26, 2012

Alexis Goldstein, Occupy the SEC, New York, New York, 26.10.12, March 5, 2012

David Krakoff, BuckleySandler, Washington, D.C., 26,11.12, March 12, 2012

David Uhlmann, Professor of Law, Michigan University Law School, 26.12.12, March 19, 2012

Mike Koehler, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 26.13.12, March 26, 2012

Larry Urgenson, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, Washington, D.C., 26.14.12, April 2, 2012

William Stuckwisch, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis, Washington, D.C., 26.15.12, April 9, 2012

Richard Marmaro, Partner, Skadden Arps, Los Angeles, California, 26.16.12, April 16, 2012

Ryan McConnell, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, Houston, Texas, 26.17.12, April 23, 2012

Tom Fox, FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog, Houston, Texas 26.18.12, April 30, 2012

Brian Whisler, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, Washington, D.C., 26.19.12, May 7, 2012

Brandon Garrett, Professor, University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, Virginia, 26.20.12, May 14, 2012

Eileen Foster, Los Angeles, California, 26.21.12, May 21, 2012

Heather Lowe, Global Financial Integrity, Washington, D.C., 26.22.12, May 28, 2012

Coleen Rowley, Retired FBI Agent, Apple Valley, Minnesota, 26.23.12, June 4, 2012

Charles Ferguson, Author, Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption and the Hijacking of America, New York, New York, 26.24.12, June 11, 2012

George Ochenski, Helena Montana, 26.25.12, June 18, 2012

David Lorello, Partner, Covington, London, England, 26.26.12, June 25, 2012

Jonathan Tuttle, Partner, Debevoise, Washington, D.C., 26.27.12, July 2, 2012

Patrick Burns, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C. 26.28.12, July 9, 2012

Michael Li-Ming Wong, Partner, Gibson Dunn, San Francisco, California, 26.29.12, July 16, 2012

Matthew Jacobs, Partner, DLA Piper, Sacramento, California, 26.30.12, July 23, 2012

Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute, London, England, 26.31.13, July 30, 2012

John Phillips, Phillips and Cohen, Washington, D.C., 26.32.12, August 6, 2012

Carter Phillips, Partner, Sidley Austin, Washington, D.C., 26.33.12, August 27, 2012

Gary Ruskin, Yes on 37, San Francisco, California 26.34.12, September 3, 2012

Thomas Sporkin, Buckley Sandler, Washington, D.C., 26.35.12, September 10, 2012

John Barylick, Partner, Wistow & Barylick, Providence, Rhode Island, 26.36.12, September 17, 2012

Howard Swint, Charleston, West Virginia, 26.37.12, September 24, 2012

Lawrence Wilkerson, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 26.38.12, October 1, 2012

Michael Rosensaft, Partner, Katten Muchin, New York, New York, 26.39.12, October 8, 2012

James Stewart, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 26.40.12, October 15, 2012

Jason Hutt, Bracewell Giuliani, Washington, D.C., 26.41.12, October 22, 2012

Devon Whitham, 99Rise, Los Angeles, California, 26.42.12, October 29, 2012

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 26.43.12, November 5, 2012

Anthony Barkow, Partner, Jenner & Block, New York, New York, 26.44.12, November 12, 2012

Greg Andres, Davis Polk, New York, New York, 26.45.12, November 19, 2012

Kathleen Harris, Partner, Arnold & Porter, 26.46.12, November 26, 2012

Greg Krakower, New York Attorney General’s Office, New York, New York, 26.47.12, December 3, 2012

Scott Nova, Workers Rights Consortium, Washington, D.C., 26.48.09, December 10, 2012


Dennis Kelleher, Better Markets, Washington, D.C., 27.01.10, January 7, 2013

Margaret Jane Radin, Professor, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 27.02.11, January 14, 2013

William Ruehle, former CFO, Broadcom, Irvine, California, 27.03.9, January 21, 2013

Becky McClain, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 27.04.13, January 28, 2013

Erika Kelton, Partner, Phillips & Cohen, Washington, D.C., 27.05.13, February 4, 2013

Danielle Fugere, President, As You Sow, Oakland, California, 27.06.13, February 11, 2013

Michael Smallberg, Project on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C., 27.07.12, February 18, 2013

Jeffrey Ballinger, Founder, Press for Change, Boston, Massachusetts, 27.08.13, February 25, 2013

Michele Simon, Eat Drink Politics, Oakland, California, 27.09.13, March 4, 2013

Lisa Noller, Partner, Foley & Lardner, Chicago, Illinois, 27.10.13, March 11, 2013

Kelly Currie, Partner, Crowell & Moring, New York, New York, 27.11.13, March 18, 2013

Mary Kreiner Ramirez, Professor of Law, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, 27.12.13, March 25, 2013

Nathaniel Edmonds, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C., 27.13.11, April 1, 2013

Robb Adkins, Partner, Winston & Strawn, San Francisco, California, 27.14.11, April 8, 2013

Jonathan Frieman, San Rafael, California, 27.15.13, April 15, 2013

Matthew Friedrich, Partner, Freshfields, Washington, D.C., 27.16.13, April 22, 2013

James Holzrichter, McHenry, Illinois, 27.17.13, April 29, 2013

Robert A.G. Monks, Cape Elizabeth, Maine 27.18.12, May 6, 2013

Lawrence Stentzel II, Former General Counsel, US Airways, Barnstable, Massachusetts, 27.19.12, May 13, 2013

Laura Gottesdiener, Author of A Dream Deferred, Brooklyn, New York, 27.20.12, May 20, 2013

Gary Aguirre, San Diego, California, 27.21.12, May 27, 2013

James Henry, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Sag Harbor, New York, 27.22.12, June 3, 2013

Lonnie Keene, Kroll Advisory Solutions, New York, New York, 27.23.12, June 10, 2013

Laurence Leamer, Author of The Price of Justice, Washington, D.C., 27.24.11, June 17, 2013

Lindsay Wiley, Assistant Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C., 27.25.12, June 24, 2013

Bruce Stanley, Partner, Reed Smith, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 27.26.12, July 1, 2013

Jennifer Arlen, Professor, NYU School of Law, New York, New York, 27.27.12, July 8, 2013

James Harlow, Author of “Corporate Criminal Liability for Homicide,” Washington, D.C., 27.28.12, July 15, 2013

Scott Killingsworth, Partner, Bryan Cave, Atlanta, Georgia, 27.29.12, July 22, 2013

Russell Ryan, Partner, King & Spalding, Washington, D.C., 27.30.12, July 29, 2013

Barry Pollack, Partner, Miller Chevalier, Washington, D.C., 27.31.12, August 5, 2013

Sean Kane, Safety Research and Strategies, Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 27.32.12, August 12, 2013

Don Perdue, Charleston, West Virginia 27.33.12, September 2, 2013

Joseph Belth, The Insurance Forum, Ellettsville, Indiana, 27.34.12, September 9, 2013

Eric Conn, Partner, Epstein Becker, Washington, DC, 27.35.12, September 16, 2013

Kim Krawiec, Professor, Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina, 27.36.12, September 23, 2013

Barry Castleman, Garrett Park, Maryland, 27.37.12, September 30, 2013

William Black, University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, 27.38.12, October 7, 2013

David Halperin, Republic Report, Washington, D.C., 27.39.12, October 14, 2013

David Blankenhorn, Institute for American Values, New York, New York, 27.40.12, October 21, 2013

Donna Boehme, Compliance Strategists, New Providence, New Jersey,  27.41.12, October 28, 2013

Patrick Robbins, Partner, Shearman & Sterling, San Francisco, California 27.42.12, November 4, 2013

Jason Grellner, National Narcotics Officers Association Coalition, Union, Missouri, 27.43.12, November 11, 2013

Bridget Moore, Partner, Baker & Botts, Washington, D.C., 27.44.12, November 18, 2013

Steve Wehrly, Friday Harbor, Washington, 27.45.13, November 25, 2013

Sheila Millar, Partner, Keller and Heckman, Washington, D.C., 27.46.13, December 2, 2013

Cliff Chanler, The Chanler Group, New Canaan, Connecticut, 27.47.12, December 9, 2013

Brandon Garrett, Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia,  27.48.12, December 16, 2013


Brian Wolfman, Professor of Law, Georgetown University School of Law, Washington, D.C., 28.01.12, January 6, 2014

Nancy Scheper-Hughes,  Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, California 28.02.12, January 13, 2014

Jane Akre, Mesh News Desk, Jacksonville Beach, Florida, 28.03.12, January 20, 2014

Larry Doyle, Author of In Bed with Wall Street, Greenwich, Connecticut, 28.04.13, January 27,2014

Mark Mensack, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, 28.05.13, February 3, 2014

John Chevedden, Shareholder Activist, Redondo Beach, California, 28.06.14, February 10, 2014

Steven Molo, MoloLamken, New York, New York, 28.07.13, February 17, 2014

David Helvarg, Executive Director, Blue Frontier, Washington, D.C., 28.08.11, February 24, 2014

Bret Campbell, Partner, Cadwalader, Washington, D.C., 28.09.12, March 3, 2014

Angie Rosser, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, Charleston, West Virginia, 28.10.12, March 10, 2014

Jason Woodland, Peters & Peters, London, UK, 28.11.12, March 17, 2014

Peter Henning, Wayne State Law School, Detroit, Michigan, 28.12.12, March 24, 2014

Andrew Spalding, University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, Virginia, 28.13.12, March 31. 2014

Theresa Amato, Citizen Works, Washington, D.C., 28.14.12, April 7, 2014

Michael Milligan, Author of Mercy Killers, New York, New York, 28.15.12, April 14, 2014

Michael Rustad, Professor of Law, Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, 28.16.12, April 21, 2014

Phineas Baxandall, USPIRG, Boston, Massachusetts, 28.17.12, April 28, 2014

Thomas Melsheimer, Partner, Fish & Richardson, Dallas, Texas, 28.18.12, May 5, 2014

Matt Taibbi, Author of The Divide, Jersey City, New Jersey, 28.19.12, May 12, 2014

Robert Fellmeth, Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law, San Diego, California 28.20.12, May 19, 2014

Brien O’Connor, Partner, Ropes & Gray, Boston, Massachusetts, 28.21.13, May 26, 2014

Kalle Lasn, Editor, Adbusters Magazine, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 28.22.12, June 2, 2014

James Henry, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Sag Harbor, New York, 28.23.12, June 9, 2014

Arthur Bryant, Public Justice, Oakland, California, 28.24.12, June 16, 2014

Barbara Meshulam, Partner, DLA Piper, Washington, D.C., 28.25.12, June 23, 2014

Patrick Gibbs, Latham & Watkins, Menlo Park, California, 28.26.12, June 30, 2014

John Simpson, Fulbright & Jaworski, Washington, D.C., 28.27.12, July 7, 2014

Neil MacBride, Partner, Davis Polk, Washington, D.C., 28.28.12, July 14, 2014

John Braithwaite, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28.29.12, July 21, 2014

Mike Koehler, Professor, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, Illinois, 28.30.12, July 28, 2014

Elise Keaton Liegel, Executive Director, Keeper of the Mountain, Charleston, West Virginia, 28.31.12, August 4, 2014

Peter Gotzsche, Author of Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28.32.12, August 11, 2014

Kenneth Jull, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, Toronto, Canada, 28.33.12, September 1, 2014

Dean Starkman, Author of The Watchdog that Didn’t Bark, New York, New York, 28.34.12, September 8, 2014

Jennifer Arlen, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 28.35.12, September 15, 2014

Jules Kroll, Chairman, K2 Intelligence, New York, New York 28.36.12, September 22, 2014

Matthew Fishbein, Partner, Debevoise, New York, New York. 28.37.10, September 29, 2014

Marlan Wilbanks, Partner, Wilbanks & Bridges, Atlanta, Georgia, 28.38.11, October 6, 2014

Laurence Urgenson, Partner, Mayer Brown, Washington, D.C., 28.39.12, October 13, 2014

Yasmine Mortarjemi, Nestle Whistleblower, Nyon, Switzerland, 28.40.12, October 20, 2014

David Feinwachs, Former General Counsel, Minnesota Hospital Association, St. Paul, Minnesota 28.41.09, October 27, 2014

Brandon Garrett, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia, 28.42.10, November 3, 2014

Robert Fiske, Jr., Partner, Davis Polk, New York, New York, 28.43.10, November 10, 2014

Albert Foer, President, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 28.44.10, November 17, 2014

Alayne Fleischmann, Vanouver, British Columbia, Canada, 28.45.10, November 24, 2014

Rena Steinzor, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland, 28.46.10, December 1, 2014

Brendan Fischer, Center for Media and Democracy, Madison, Wisconsin, 28.47.12, December 8, 2014

Bruce Stanley, Bruce Stanley Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 28.48.12, December 15, 2014


Charles Derber, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 29.1.12, January 5, 2015

Thomas Geoghehan, Labor Lawyer, Chicago, Illinois, 29.2.12, January 12, 2015

Janine Wedel, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, 29.3.12, January 19, 2015

David O’Neil, Partner, Debevoise, Washington, D.C., 29.4.12, January 26, 2015

Narendra Ghosh, Parnter, Patterson & Harkavy, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 29.5.12, February 2, 2015

D.T. Mongan, The Integrity Partnership, New York, New York, 29.6.12, February 9, 2015

Timothy Heaphy, Partner, Hunton & Williams, Washington, D.C., 29.7.12, February 16, 2015

Mark Dowie, Point Reyes Station, California, 29.8.12, February 23, 2015

Mary Pilon, Author of The Monopolists, New York, New York, 29.9.12, March 2, 2015

Robert Appleton, Partner, Day Pitney, New York, New York, 29.10.12, March 9, 2015

Rafael Moure-Eraso, Chairman, Chemical Safety Board, Washington, D.C., 29.11.12, March 16, 2015

Sigal Mandelker, Partner, Proskauer, New York, New York, 29.12.12, March 23, 2015

Zhenjie Zhou, Author of Corporate Crime in China, Beijing, China, 29.13.12, March 30, 2015

Sarah Chayes, Author of Thieves of State, Washington, D.C., 29.14.11, April 6, 2015

Bart Naylor, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 29.15.12, April 13, 2015

Samuel Buell, Professor, Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina, 29.16.12, April 20, 2015

Michael Lemov, Author, Car Safety Wars, Bethesda, Maryland, 29.17.12, April 27, 2015

Mary Vogel, National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, Longmeadow, Massachusetts, 29.18.12, May 4, 2015

Jordan Thomas, Partner, Labaton Sucharow, New York, New York, 29.19.12, May 11, 2015

Patrick Burns, Taxpayers Against Fraud, Washington, D.C., 29.20.12, May 18, 2015

Salim Jorge Saud, Partner, Mayer Brown, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29.21.12, May 25, 2015

Jenny Lee, DLA Piper, Washington, D.C., 29.22.14, June 1, 2015

Joshua Freeman, Chair, Department of Family Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, 29.23.13, June 8, 2015

Margaret Colgate Love, Washington, D.C., 29.24.13, June 15, 2015

Elise Keaton Liegel, Greenbrier River Watershed Association, Lewisberg, West Virginia, 29.25.13, June 22, 2015

Brian Rubin, Partner, Sutherland Asbill, Washington, D.C., 29.26.13, June 29, 2015

Valerie Hans, Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, New York 29.27.12, July 6, 2015

James T. Bennett, Author of Corporate Welfare, Professor of Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 29.28.12, July 13, 2015

Les Bernal, Stop Predatory Gambling, Washington, D.C., 29.29.12, July 20, 2015

Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica, New York, New York 29.30.12, July 27, 2015

Lucy Graham, Amnesty International, London, UK, 29.31.12, August 3, 2015

Lamia Matta, Partner, Miller Chevalier, Washington, D.C. 29.32.12, August 10, 2015

Alyssa Katz, New York Daily News, New York, New York, 29.33.12, August 31, 2015

Christina Small, Valdosta, Georgia 29.34.13, September 7, 2015

Sheila Harty, St. Augustine, Florida, 29.35.12, September 14, 2015

Richard Newman, American Museum of Tort Law, 29.36.12, September 21, 2015

Christopher Lebsock, Partner, Hausfeld, San Francisco, 29.37.12, September 28, 2015

Jennifer Arlen, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 29.38.12, October 5, 2015

James Koukios, Partner, Morrison & Foerster, Washington, D.C. ,29.39.12, October 12, 2015

David Burnham, TRAC, Washington, D.C., 29.40.12, October 19, 2015

Diana Moss, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, D.C., 29.41.12, October 26, 2015

Richard Bistrong, Front Line Anti-Bribery, New York, New York, 29.42.13, November 2, 2015

Richard Master, CEO MCS Industries, Easton, Pennsylvania, 29.43.13, November 9, 2015

Roy Poses, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 29.44.13, November 16, 2015

James Keady, Educating for Justice, Spring Lake, New Jersey, 29.45.13, November 23, 2015

Mike Koehler, Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, Illinois, 29.46.13, November 30, 2015

Stephen Jaffe, Jaffe Law Firm, San Francisco, California, 29.47.13, December 7, 2015

Michael Volkov, Volkov Law, Alexandria, Virginia, 29.48.13, December 14, 2015


Neal Roberts, Protectus Law, Washington, D.C., 30.01.13, January 4, 2016

Timothy Cornell, Cornell Dolan, Boston, Massachusetts 30.02.13, January 11, 2016

Arthur Bryant, Public Justice, Oakland, California 30.03.13, January 18, 2016

Crispin Rapinet, Hogan Lovells, London, UK 30.04.13, January 25, 2016

Heather White, The Human Costs of Electronics, New York, New York 30.05.10, February 1, 2016

John Coffee, Professor of Law, Columbia University, New York, New York, 30.06.12, February 8, 2016

Tom Devine, Government Accountability Project, 30.07.12, February 15, 2016

Bryan Vroon, Atlanta, Georgia, 30.08.12, February 22, 2016

Paul Monnin, Partner, Paul Hastings, Atlanta, Georgia, 30.09.12, February 29, 2016

Marianne Karth, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, 30.10.12, March 7, 2016

Chuck Duross, Partner, Morrison & Foerster,  Washington, D.C., 30.11.12, March 14, 2016

Nicholas Kachman, Former GM Engineer, Gross Pointe, Michigan, 30.12.12, March 21, 2016

Ben Kelley, Auto Safety Expert, Pebble Beach, California, 30.13.12, March 28, 2016

Wayne Lamprey, Constantine Cannon, San Francisco, California 30.14.12, April 4, 2016

Dennis Gioia, Penn State Smeal College of Business, University Park, Pennsylvania 30.15.12, April 11, 2016

Brandon Garrett, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia 30.16.10, April 18, 2016

Jon Entine, Genetic Literacy Project, Washington, D.C., 30.17.12, April 25, 2016

Marc Raspanti, Pietragallo, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30.18.12, May 2, 2016

Sean Hecker, Debevoise, New York, New York, 30.19.12, May 9, 2016

Daniel Braun, Freshfields, Washington, D.C., 30.20.12, May 16, 2016

Karthik Ramanna, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 30.21.12, May 23, 2016

Richard Girgenti, KPMG Forensics, New York, New York, 30.22.12, May 30, 2016

Laura Colombell Marshall, Hunton & Williams, Richmond, Virginia, 30.23.12, June 6, 2016

John Nassikas, Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C., 30.24.12, June 13, 2016

David Dayen, Author of Chain of  Title, Washington, D.C., 30.25.12, June 20, 2016

Karen Popp, Partner, Sidley, Washington, DC 30.26.12, June 27, 2016

David Whyte, Author of The Corporate Criminal, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 30.27.12, July 4, 2016

Chris Papst, Investigative Reporter, ABC 7, Washington, D.C. 30.28.12, July 11, 2016

Bart Naylor, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 30.29.12, July 18, 2016

Steven Bittle, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Quebec, Canada, 30.30.13, July 25, 2016

Robert Tillman, St. John’s University, New York, New York, 30.31.12, August 1, 2016

Edward O’Callaghan, Partner, Clifford Chance, New York, New York 30.32.12, August 8, 2016

Samuel Buell, Professor, Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina, 30.33.12, August 29, 2016

Margaret Stock, Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate, Anchorage, Alaska, 30.34.12, September 5, 2016

Stuart Meissner, Meissner Associates, New York, New York, 30.35.12, September 12, 2016

Sean McKessy, Phillips & Cohen, Washington, D.C., 30.36.12, September 19, 2016

Charlotte Pritt, Mountain Party Candidate for Governor, Charleston, West Virginia, 30.37.12, September 26, 2016

Robert Goff, RIP Medical Debt, New York, New York, 30.38.12, October 3, 2012

Eugene Soltes, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, 30.39.11, October 10,  2012

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, University of Stetson School of Law, Gulfport, Florida, 30.40.12, October 17, 2016

Eric Havian, Constantine Cannon, San Francisco, California, 30.41.12, October 24, 2016

Bradley Birkenfeld, Author of Lucifer’s Banker, New York, New York, 30.42.12, October 31, 2016

Steven Solow, Katten Muchin, Washington, D.C., 30.43.12, November 7, 2016

Max Mishkin, Levin Sullivan, New York, New York, 30.44.13, November 14, 2016

Tonya Bonitatibus, Savannah Riverkeeper, Augusta, Georgia, 30.45.12, November 21, 2016

Melayna Lokosky, Johnson & Johnson Whistleblower, Phoenix, Arizona, 30.46.12, November 28, 2016

Alexandra Klass, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota 30.47.12, December 5, 2016

Robert Kent Jr., Baker & McKenzie, Chicago, Illinois, 30.48.12, December 12, 2016


Pamela Coyle Brecht, Partner, Pietragallo, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 31.01.12, January 2, 2017

Dallas Hammer, Zuckerman Law, Tysons, Virginia 31.02.12, January 9, 2017

Eric Young, McEldrew Young, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 31.03.12 January 16, 2017

Maya van Rossum, Delaware Riverkeeper, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 31.04.12, January 23, 2017

Patricia Adams, Probe International, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 31.05.12, January 30, 2017

Michael Kink, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Albany, New York, 31.06.13, February 6, 2017

Evan Vokes, Former TransCanada Engineer, Calgary, Alberta, 31.07.12, February 13, 2017

Laura Kidd Cordova, Crowell & Moring, Washington, D.C., 31.08.12, February 20, 2017

Alexandra Lahav, Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut, 31.09.12, February 27, 2017

James Webster, Kellogg Huber, Washington, D.C., 31.10.12, March 6, 2017

Carl Weimer, Pipeline Safety Trust, Bellingham, Washington, 31.11.11, March 13, 2017

Bart Schwartz, Chairman, Guidepost Solutions, New York, New York, 31.12.12, March 20, 2017

Sheelah Kolhaktar, Staff Writer at the New Yorker and author of Black Edge, New York, New York, 31.13.12, March 27, 2017

Stephen Brill, Author of America’s Most Admired Lawbreaker, New York, New York, 31.14.13, April 3, 2017

Jim McGovern, Partner, Hogan Lovells, New York, New York, 31.15.12, April 10, 2017

William Hanagami, Woodland Hills, California, 31.16.13, April 17, 2017

Verity Winship, Professor, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois, 31.17.13, April 24, 2017

Urska Velikonja, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia, 31.18.13, May 1, 2017

Ronald Burdge, Dayton, Ohio, 31.19.12, May 8, 2017

Marianne Karth, Raleigh, North Carolina 31.20.13, May 15, 2017

Jack Ewing, New York Times, Berlin, Germany, 31.21.11, May 22, 2017

Richard Master, Easton, Pennsylvania, 31.22.11, May 29, 2017

Daniel Heyman, Public News Service, Charleston, West Virginia, 31.23.12, June 5, 2017

Brandon Garrett, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia, 31.24.12, June 12, 2017

Jennifer Arlen, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 31.25.12, June 19, 2017

Samuel Buell, Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina, 31.26.12, June 26, 2017

Mike Koehler, Southern Illinois Law School, Carbondale, Illinois, 31.27.12, July 3, 2017

Hui Chen, Washington, D.C., 31.28.12, July 10, 2017

Serina Vash, NYU Law School of Law, New York, New York, 31.29.12, July 17, 2017

J. Clayton Everett, Partner, Morgan Lewis, Washington, D.C., 31.30.12, July 24, 2017

David DiBari, Partner, Clifford Chance, Washington, D.C., 31.31.12, July 31, 2017

Michael Milligan, Chicago, Illinois, 31.32.12, August 7, 2017

William Lofquist, Professor, SUNY Geneseo, Geneseo, New York, 31.33.12, August 28, 2017

Nicole Barrett, Allard Prize Initiatives, Vancouver, British Columbia, 31.34.12, September 4, 2017

Peter Reilly, Texas A&M Law School, Ft. Worth, Texas, 31.35.12, September 11, 2017

Peter Dauvergne, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, 31.36.12, September 18, 2017

Carey Gillam, Investigative Reporter, Overland Park, Kansas, 31.37.12, September 25, 2017

Ian Binnie, Lenczner Slaght, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 31.38.12, October 2, 2017

Michael Pertschuk, When the Senate Worked For Us, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 31.39.12, October 9, 2017

Steven Molo, MoloLamken, New York, New York, 31.40.12, October 16, 2017

Ira Rosen, Producer, 60 Minutes, New York, New York, 31.41.12, October 23, 2017

Robert Luskin, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C., 31.42.12, October 30, 2017

Gayle McLaughlin, Richmond, California, 31.43.12, November 6, 2017

Harry Glasbeek, Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School,  Toronto, Ontario, 31.44.12, November 13, 2017

Kara Brockmeyer, Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, D.C., 31.45.12, November 20, 2017

Roberta Walburn, Author of Miles Lord: The Maverick Judge Who Brought Corporate America to Justice, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 31.46.12, November 27, 2017

David Bizar, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw, Boston, Massachusetts, 31.47.12, December 4, 2017

Katrice Bridges Copeland, Professor of Law, Penn State Law School, Univesrity Park, Pennsylvania, 31.48.12, December 11, 2017

Volume Thirty-Two

Homer Moyer, Partner, Miller Chevalier, Washington, D.C., 32.01.12, January 1, 2018

Joan Baxter, Author of The Mill: Fifty Years of Pulp and Protest, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, 32.02.12, January 8, 2018

Peter Maybarduk, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 32.03.12, January 15, 2018

Nancy MacLean, Author of Democracy in Chains, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 32.04.12, January 22, 2018

Steven Canterbury, South Charleston West Virginia, 32.05.12, January 29, 2018

Ariel Neuman, Bird Marella, Los Angeles, California 32.06.12, Febuary 5, 2018

Lynn Turner, Hemming Morse, Los Angeles, California, 32.07,12, February 12, 2018

Mihailis Diamantis, Iowa Law School, Iowa City, Iowa, 32.08.11, February 19, 2018

Adam Winkler, UCLA Law School, Los Angeles, California, 32.09.13, February 26, 2018

Rena Steinzor, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland 32.10.13, March 5, 2018

Katie Tracy, Center for Progressive Reform, Washington DC, 32.11.13, March 12, 2018

Alex Panagiotopoulos, Kingston, New York, 32.12.13, March 19, 2018

Laura Perkins, Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Washington, D.C. 32.13.13, March 26, 2018

Pat Harned, CEO, Ethics & Compliance Initiative, Arlington, Virginia, 32.14.12, April 2, 2018

Bill Curry, Farmington, Connecticut 32.15.12, April 9, 2019

Dylan Tokar, Journalist in Residence, Stigler Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 32.16.12, April 16, 2018

Phillip Zweig, New York, New York, 32.17.12, April 23, 2018

Wilma Steele, Matewan, West Virginia, 32.18.12, April 30, 2018

Peter Spivack, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, D.C., 32.19.12, May 7, 2018

Stephen Smith, Charleston, West Virginia, 32.20.13, May 14, 2018

Ted Mermin, University of California Law School, Berkeley, California 32.21.12, May 21, 2018

Katherine Gallagher, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, New York, 32.22.12, May 28, 2018

Les Bernal, Stop Predatory Gambling, Washington, D.C., 32.23.12, June 4, 2018

John Uustal, Trial Lawyer, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 32.24.12, Jnue 11, 2018

Steven Brill, Author of Tailspin, New York, New York, 32.25.12, June 18, 2018

John Carreyrou, Wall Street Journal, Author of Bad Blood, New York, New York, 32.26.12, June 25, 2018

Joshua Robbins, Partner, Greenberg Gross, Costa Mesa, California, 32.27.12, July 2, 2018

Carol Miller, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico, 32.28.12, July 9, 2018

Kristin Lawless, New York, New York, 32.29.12, July 16 ,2018

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Flint, Michigan, 32.30.12, July 23, 2018

Davitt McAteer, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, 32.31.12, July 30, 2018

Sophie Scemla, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland, Paris, France, 32.32.12, August 6, 2018

Rosemary Gibson, Author of China Rx, Washington, D.C., 32.33.12, August 27, 2018

Ginny Savage Ayers, Author of Never Justice, Never Peace, Maryville, Tennessee, 32.34.12, September 3, 2018

Siva Vaidhyanathan, Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia, 32.35.12, September 10, 2018

Nick Brana, Movement for a People’s Party, Washington, D.C., 32.36.11, September 17, 2018

Kristen Strader, Commercial Alert, Washington, D.C., 32.37.12, September 24, 2018

Nick Werle, Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut 32.38.12, October 1, 2018

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 32.39.12, October 8, 2018

Steven Bittle, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 32.40.12, October 15, 2018

Sarah Chayes, Paw Paw, West Virginia, 32.41.10,October 22, 2018

Marc Raspanti,  Partner, Pietragallo, Gordon, Alfano, Bosick & Raspanti, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 32.42.10, October 29, 2018

Gerald Hodgkins, Partner, Covington, Washington, D.C., 32.43.10, November 5, 2018

Audrey Harris, Mayer Brown, Washington, D.C., 32.44.10, November 12, 2018

Rick Claypool, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 32.45.10, November 19, 2018

Erin Sheley, University of Oklahoma College of Law, Norman, Oklahoma, 32.46.12, November 26, 2018

Mark Worth, European Center for Whistleblower Rights, Berlin, Germany, 32.47.12, December 3, 2018

Nicholas Kachman, Former GM Engineer, Gross Pointe, Michigan,  32.48.10, December 10, 2018

Volume Thirty-Three

Douglas Gurian-Sherman, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 33.01.12, January 7, 2019

Jack Hickey, Hickey Law Firm, Miami, Florida, 33.02.12, January 14, 2019

John Sean Coffey, Kramer Levin, New York, New York, 33.03.12, January 21, 2019

Kim Lehmkuhl, CEO Pay Project, Center for Study of Responsive Law, Washington, D.C., 33.04.12, January 28, 2019

William Robert Thomas, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 33.05.12, February 4, 2019

Rebecca Burns, Author of Fat Cat: The Steve Mnuchin Story, 33.06,12, February 11, 2019

Emily Eaton, University of Regina, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada 33.07.12, February 18, 2019

Sandra Moser, Partner, Quinn Emanuel, Washington, D.C., 33.08.12, February 25, 2019

Jennifer Quaid, University of Ottawa Law School, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 33.09.12, March 4, 2019

Duff Conacher, Democracy Watch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 33.10.12, March 11, 2019

David Montero, Author of Kickback, New York, New York, 33.11.12, March 18, 2019

Jessica Nall, Partner, Farella Braun, San Francisco, California, 33.12.13, March 24, 2019

Richard Morvillo, Partner, Orrick, Washington, D.C., 33.13.13, April 1, 2019

Mark Burtschi, Transparent Business, New York, New York, 33.14.11, April 8, 2019

Paul Hudson, Flyers’ Rights, Sarasota, Florida, 33.15.11, April 15, 2019

Sheldon Krimsky, Tufts Univeresity, Medford, Massachusetts, 33.16.12, April 22, 2019

Justin Paperny, White Collar Advice, Calabasas, California, 33.17.12, April 29, 2019

Kara Brockmeyer, Debevoise, Washington, D.C., 33.18.12, May 6, 2019

Evan Barr, Fried Frank, New York, New York, 33.19.12, May 13, 2019

Mike Koehler, FCPA Professor, Carbondale, Illinois, 33.20.12, May 20, 2019

Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, Paris, France, 33.21.12, May 27, 2019

Antonia Apps, Milbank Tweed, New York, New York, 33.22.12, June 3, 2019

Jonathan Michels, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 33.23.12, June 10, 2019

David Massey, Richards Kibbe & Orbe, New York, New York, 33.24.12, June 17, 2019

Katherine Eban, Author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom, 33.25.12, June 24, 2019

Kip Sullivan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 33.26.12, July 1, 2019

Robert Clifford, Clifford Law Firm, Chicago, Illinois, 33.27.12, July 8, 2019

Nicholas Freudenberg, CUNY School of Public Health, 33.28.9, July 15, 2019

Ephraim Wernick, Vinson & Elkins, 33.29, 10, July 22, 2019

Donald Baker, Baker & Miller, Washington DC, 33.30.11, July 29, 2019

William Hartung, Center for International Policy, Washington, D.C., 33.31.10, August 5, 2019

Douglas Gansler, Partner, Cadwalader, Washington, D.C., 33.32.12. August 12, 2019

Tarek Helou, Partner, Wilson Sonsini, Washington, D.C., 33.33.10, September 2, 2019

Tom Mueller, Author of Crisis of Conscience: Whistleblowing in An Age of Fraud, New York, New York, 33.34.10, September 9, 2019

Jacob Frenkel, Partner, Dickinson Wright, Washington, D.C., 33.35.11, September 16, 2019

Richard Hamilton, Partner, Ulmer & Berne, Cleveland, Ohio 33.36.11, September 23, 2019

Andrew Boutros, Partner, Dechert, Chicago, Illinois, 33.37.11, September 30, 2019

John Geyman, Friday Harbor, Washington, 33.38.11, October 7, 2019

Jerry Cox, Author of Killer Airbags, Charlottesville, Virginia, 33.39.11, October 14, 2019

Marianne Karth, Rocky Mount, North Carolina,, 33.40.11, October 21, 2019

Richard Sallybanks, Partner, BCL Solicitors, London, England, 33.41.11, October 28, 2019

David Robbins, Crowell & Moring, Washington, D.C., 33.42.11, November 4, 2019

Nick Schwellenbach, Project on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C., 33.43.12, November 11, 2019.

John Barnett, Former Boeing Quality Control Engineer, Charleston, South Carolina, 33.44.12, November 18, 2019

Stephen Kohn, Kohn Kohn & Colapinto, Washington, D.C., 33.45.12, November 25, 2019

Andrea Witte, Connect the Dots USA, Tucson, Arizona, 33.46.12, December 2, 2019

Christopher Shaw, Author of Money, Power and the People, Berkeley, California, 33.47.12, December 9, 2019

Kevin Fitzgerald, San Juan Bautista, California, 33.48.12, December 16, 2019

Volume Thirty-Four

Pam Davis, Partner, Winston & Strawn, San Francisco, California 34.01.12, January 6, 2020

Samuel Buell, Professor of Law, Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina 34.02.12, January 13, 2020

Reuben Guttman, Guttman Buschner & Brooks, Washington, D.C., 34.03.12, January 20, 2020

Elizabeth Burch, Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, Georgia, 34.04.12, January 27, 2020

Matt Stoller, Open Markets Institute, Washington, D.C., 34.05.13, February 3, 2020

Ross A. Klein, Author of Paradise Lost at Sea: Rethinking Cruise Vacations, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada 34.06.12, February 10, 2020

Phillip Zweig, New York, New York, 34.07.10, February 17, 2020

Gerald Goldhaber, New York, New York, 34.08.12, February 24, 2020

Natasha Sarin, Associate Professor of Law, Penn Law School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 34.09.12, March 2, 2020

Jonathan Kasparek, author of Proxmire: Bulldog of the Senate, 34.10.12, March 9, 2020

David Michaels, author of The Triumph of Doubt, Washington, D.C., 34.11.12, March 16, 2020

Mihailis Diamantis, Iowa Law School, Iowa City, Iowa, 34.12.12, March 23, 2020

Cleveland Lawrence, Mehri & Skalet, Washington, D.C., 34.13.12, March 30, 2020

Neil Barofsky, Partner, Jenner & Block, New York, New York, 34.14.12, April 6, 2020

Pierre-Hugues Verdier, Professor of Law, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 34.15.11, April 13, 2020.

Catherine Sanderson, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, 34.16.11, April 20, 2020

David Dayen, American Prospect, Washington, D.C., 34.17.11, April 27, 2020

Don Siegelman, Former Governor of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, 34.18.11, May 4, 2020

Phil Steck, New York State Assembly, Albany, New York, 34.19.11, May 11, 2020

Todd Haugh, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 34.20.11, May 18, 2020

John Geyman, MD, Friday Harbor, Washington, 34.21.11, May 25, 2020

Gerald Posner, Miami, Florida, 34.22.11, June 1. 2020

Brandon Garrett, Duke Law School, 34.23.13, June 8, 2020

Tina Soreide, Professor of Law and Economics, NHH, Bergen, Norway, 34.24.13, June 15, 2020

Jon Ashley, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia, 34.25.13, June 22, 2020

Susan Hawley, Spotlight on Corruption, Lewes, United Kingdom, 34.26.13, June 29, 2020

David Massey, Richards Kibbe & Orbe, New York, New York, 34.27.13, July 6, 2020

Suzanne Durrell, Whistleblower Law Collaborative, Boston, Massachusetts, 34.28.13, July 13, 2020

Eric L. Young, Partner, McEldrew Young Purtell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 34.29.13, July 20, 2020

Andrew Kimbrell, International Center for Technology Assessment, Washington, D.C., 34.30.13, July 27, 2020

Amy Westbrook, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, 34.31.13, August 3, 2020

Barbara Freese, Author of Industrial Strength Denial, San Francisco, California, 34.32.13, August 10, 2020

Ellen Hertz, University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 34.33.13, August 31, 2020

Michael Shaheen, Partner, Crowell & Moring, Washington D.C., 34.34.13, September 7, 2020

Audrey Harris, Partner, Mayer Brown, Washington, D.C., 34.35.13, September 14, 2020

Jenny Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 34.36.12, September 21, 2020

David Kidwell, Better Government Association, Chicago, Illinois, 34.37.12, September 28, 2020

Jennifer Taub, Western New England University School of Law, Springfield, Massachusetts, 34.38.12, October 5, 2020

Susan Greenhalgh, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 34.39.12, October 12, 2020

Jerry Cox, Charlottesville, Virginia, 34.40.12, October 19, 2020

Joseph Braun, Atlanta, Georgia, 34.41.12, October 26, 2020

Kyle DeYoung, Partner, Cadwalader, Washington, D.C., 34.42.12, November 2, 2020

Ben O’Neil, Partner, Quinn Emanuel, Washington, D.C., 34.43.12, November 9, 2020

Evan Jones, University of Sydney Sydney, Australia, 34.44.12, November 16, 2020

Veronica Root Martinez, Notre Dame Law School, South Bend, Indiana, 34.45.12, November 23, 2020

Kristen Savelle, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California 34.46.12, November 30, 2020

James Essinger, Canterbury, UK, 34.47.12, December 7, 2020

Joel Bakan, University of British Columbia Law School, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 34.48.12, December 14. 2020

Volume Thirty-Five

Mark Bradley, Arlington, Virginia, 35.01.12, January 4, 2021

Anne Railton, Partner, Goodwin Procter, New York, New York, 35.01.12, January 11, 2021

Paul Cassell, Utah Law School, Salt Lake City, Utah, 35.03.12, January 18, 2021

David Courtwright, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, 35.04.12, January 25, 201

Martin Cherniack, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut, 35.05.12, February 1, 2021

David Massey, Partner, Perkins Coie, New York, New York, 35.06.12, February 8, 2021

John Coffee, Columbia Law School, New York, New York, 35.07.12, February 15, 2021

Dixie Johnson, Partner, King & Spalding, Washington, D.C., 35.08.12, February 22, 2021

Kay Tillow, Louisville, Kentucky, 35.09.12, March 1, 2021

Susannah Torpey, Partner, Winston & Strawn, New York, New York 35.10.12, March 8, 2021

Carey Gillam, Investigative Reporter, Overland Park, Kansas, 35.11.12, March 15, 2021

Diane Archer, JustCare, New York, New York, 35.12.12, March 22, 2021

Marianne Karth, Raleigh, North Carolina, 35.13.12, March 29, 2021

Guillaume Coudray, Paris, France, 35.14.12, April 5, 2021

Gerson Smoger, Smoger & Associates, Dallas, Texas, 35.15.12, April 12, 2021

Nicholas Freudenberg, CUNY, New York, New York, 35.16.12, April 19, 2021

Philip Mattera, Violation Tracker, Washington, D.C., 35.17.12, April 26, 2021

Mary Dodge, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, 35.18.12, May 3, 2021

John Geyman, Friday Harbor, Washington, 35.19.12, May 10, 2021

Jacob Elberg, Seton Hall Law School, Newark, New Jersey, 35.20.12, May 17, 2021

Terry Collingsworth, IRA Advocates, Washington, D.C., 35.21.12, May 24 2021

Joseph Cotchett, Burlingame, California, 35.22.12, May 31, 2021

Michael Saks, Professor of Law, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, 35.23.12, June 7, 2021

Sam Husseini, Washington, D.C., 35.24.12, June 14, 2021

Anna Mance, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California, 35.25.12, June 21, 2021

Will Thomas, University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 35.26.12, June 28, 2021

Mihailis Diamantis, Iowa Law School, Iowa City, Iowa, 35.27.12, July 5, 2021

William Laufer, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 35.28.12, July 12, 2021

Fred Stokes, Organization for Competitive Markets, Porterville, Mississippi, 35.29.12, July 19, 2021

Michael Koehler, FCPA Profssor, Wisconsin, 35.30.12, July 26, 2021

Bill Friedheim, Professional Staff Congress, New York, New York 35.31.12, August 2, 2021

Kendall Day, Partner, Gibson Dunn, Washington, D.C., 35.32.12, August 9, 2021

Penny Crofts, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 35.33.12, August 30, 2021

Victoria Cummock, Victims of Pan Am 103 Foundation, New York, New York, 35.34.12, September 6, 2021

Kimberly Barrett, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 35.35.14, September 13, 2021

Rebecca Ricigliano, Partner, Crowell & Moring, New York, New York, 35.36.14, September 20, 2021

Anne Scheetz, Chicago, Illinois, 35.37.13, September 27, 2021

Brian Knowles, Knowles Law Firm, Charleston, South Carolina, 35.38.13, October 4, 2021

Miriam Baer, Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, New York, 35.39.13, October 11, 2021

Amy Sepinwall, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 35.40.13, October 18, 2021

Judith Seddon, Ropes & Gray, London, United Kingdom, 35.41.13, October 25, 2021

Susana Aires De Sousa, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 35.42.13, November 1, 2021

Julie O’Sullivan, Georgetown Law Center, Washington, D.C. 35.43.13, November 8, 2021

Paul Pelletier, Washington, D.C., 35.44.13, November 15, 2021

Cynthia Fisher, Patient Rights Advocate, Boston, Massachusetts, 35.45.13, November 22, 2021

Kip Sullivan, PNHP Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 35.46.13, November 29, 2021

John Arvanitis, Kroll, New York, New York, 35.47.12, December 6, 2021

Shanin Specter, Kline & Specter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 35.48.12, December 13, 2021

Volume Thirty-Six

Peter Robison, Bloomberg News, Author of Flying Blind: The 737 MAX Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing, Seattle, Washington, 36.01.12, January 3, 2022

Ed Pierson, Boeing Whistleblower, Seattle, Washington, 36.02.12, January 10, 2022

Andrew Cockburn, Harper’s Magazine, Washington, D.C., 36.03.12, January 17, 2022

Nathan Proctor, USPIRG Right to Repair Project, 36.04.12, January 24, 2022

Daniel Kahn, Partner, Davis Polk, Washington, D.C., 36.05.12, January 31, 2022

Kara Brockmeyer, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, D.C., 36.06.12, February 7, 2022

John Abramson, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, 36.07.12, February 14, 2022

Erin Applebaum, Kreindler & Kreindler, New York, New York, 36.08.12, February 21, 2022

Les Bernal, Stop Predatory Gambling, Washington, D.C., 36.09.12, February 28, 2022

Stephen Eimers, Lenoir City, Tennessee, 36.10.12, March 7, 2022

Karen Popp, Sidley & Austin, Washington, D.C., 36.11.12, March 14, 2022

Harvey Rosenfield, Los Angeles, California, 36.12.12, March 21, 2022

Carol Miller, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 36.13.12, March 28, 2022

John Joy, FTI Law, New York, New York, 36.14.12, April 4, 2022

John Coffee, Columbia Law School, New York, New York, 36.15.12, April 11, 2022

David Himmelstein, Hunter College CUNY, New York, New York, 36.16.12, April 18, 2022

Jeff Grant, Progressive Prison Ministries, Greenwich, Connecticut, 36.17.12, April 25, 2022

Christopher Placitella, Cohen Placitella & Roth, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 36.18.12, May 2, 2022

Gisselle Joffre, Foley Hoag, Boston, Massachusetts, 36.19.12, May 9, 2022

Michael Schwalbe, North Carolina State, Raleigh, North Carolina, 36.20.12, May 16, 2022

J.S. Nelson, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, 36.21.12, May 23, 2022

Kenneth Dowler, Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontrario, Canada, 36.22.12, May 30, 2022

Suzanne Gordon, San Francisco, California, 36.23.12, June 6, 2022

Dennis Kucinich, Cleveland, Ohio, 36.24.12, June 13, 2022

Jamie Satterfield, Sevierville, Tennessee, 36.25.12, June 20, 2022

Thomas McGarity, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas, 36.26.12, June 27, 2022

Sandra Hanna, Miller & Chevalier, Washington, D.C., 36.27.12, July 4, 2022

Gregg Barak, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 36.28.12, July 11, 2022

Jana MacFarlane Horn, Grand Union, London, UK, 36.29.12, July 18, 2022

Amanda Raad, Ropes & Gray, London, UK 36.30.12, July 25, 2022

Alex Megaris, Venable, New York, New York, 36.31.12, August 1, 2022

Hui Chen, Ropes & Gray, Washington, D.C., 36.32.12, August 8, 2022

Victoria Roper, Northumbria Law School, Newcastle, UK, 36.33.12, August 29, 2022

Larry Gurwin, The Hague, Netherlands, 36.34.11, September 5, 2022

James Butler, Butler Prather, Atlanta, Georgia, 36.35.12, September 12, 2022

Mona Lisa Wallace, Wallace & Graham, Salisbury, North Carolina, 36.36.12, September 19, 2022

Bernard Hibbitts, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 36.37.12, September 26, 2022

David Enrich, New York Times, New York, New York, 36.38.12, October 3, 2022

Corinne Post, Villanova School of Business, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 36.39.12, October 10, 2022

Steve Solow, Baker Botts, Washington, D.C., 36.40.12, October 17, 2022

Will Thomas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 36.41.12, October 24, 2022

Marta Tellado, Consumer Reports, Yonkers, New York, 36.42.12, October 31, 2022

Paul Cassell, Utah Law School, Salt Lake City, Utah, 36.43.14, November 7, 2022

Jerry Cox, Charlottsville, Virginia, 36.44.13, November 14, 2022

Kal Raustiala, UCLA Law School, Los Angeles, California, 36.45.13, November 21, 2022

Nason Maani, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 36.46.13, November 28, 2022

Duff Conacher, Democracy Watch, Ottawa, Canada, 36.47.12, December 5, 2022

Matt Wetherington, Wetherington Law Firm, Atlanta, Georgia, 36.48.12, December 12, 2022

Volume Thirty-Seven

Robert Luskin, Partner, Paul Hastings, Washington, D.C., 37.01.12, January 2, 2023

William McGee, American Economic Liberties Project, Washington, D.C, 37.02.12, January 9, 2023

Jennifer Arlen, NYU Law School, New York, New York, 37.03.12, January 16, 2023

Stacy Malkan, U.S. Right to Know, Oakland, California 37.04.12, January 23, 2023

Olivia Radin, Partner, King & Spalding, New York, New York, 37.05.12, January 30, 2023

David Rosner, Columbia University, New York, New York, 37.06.12, February 6, 2023

Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear, Takoma Park, Maryland, 37.07.12, February 13, 2023

Naoise Connolly, Cork, Ireland, 37.08.12, February 20, 2023

Rick Hind, Washington, D.C., 37.09.12, February 27, 2023

Susan Hawley, Spotlight on Corruption, Sommerset, UK, 37.10.12, March 6, 2023

Nicholas Wade, Montclair, New Jersey, 37.11.12, March 13, 2023

Chris Moore, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 37.12.12, March 20, 2023

Jan Haaken, Portland, Oregon, 37.13.12, March 27, 2023

Elizabeth Rowe, University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, Virginia, 37.14.12, April 3, 2023

Mihailis Diamantis, University of Iowa School of Law, 37.15.12, April 10, 2023

Julia Gledhill, Project on Government Oversight, Washington, D.C., 37.16.12, April 17, 2023

Phil Mattera, Violation Tracker, Washington, D.C., 37.17.12, April 24, 2023

Hal Weitzman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 37.18.12, May 1, 2023

Alison Dundes Renteln, USC, Los Angeles, California, 37.19.12, May 8, 2023

Neil Proto, Washington, D.C., 37.20.12, May 15, 2023

Barry Castleman, Garrett Park, Maryland, 37.21.12, May 22, 2023

David Arkush, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 37.22.12, May 29, 2023

Stephen Kohn, Kohn Kohn Calapinto, 37.23.13, June 5, 2023

Alexander Platt, Univesity of Kansas School of Law, Lawrence, Kansas, 37.24.13, June 12, 2023

Jim Morris, Author of The Cancer Factory, Austin, Texas, 37.25.12, June 19, 2023

Kay Tillow, Louisville, Kentucky, 37.26.12, June 26, 2023

Barry Castleman, Garrett Park, Maryland, 37.27.12, July 3, 2023

Matthew Johnson, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 37.28.12, July 10, 2023

Claire Snyder-Hall, Common Cause, Wilmington, Delaware, 37.29.12, July 17, 2023

Jonas Heese, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, 37.30.12, July 24, 2023

Katya Jestin, Partner, Jenner & Block, New York, New York, 37.31.12, July 31, 2023

Tom Mueller, Author of How to Make a Killing, 37.32.12, August 7, 2023

Chris Townsend, Alexandria, Virginia 37.33.12, August 28, 2023

Marion Nestle, NYU, New York, New York, 37.34.12, September 4, 2023

Ray Rogers, Corporate Campaign, New York, New York, 37.35.12, September 11, 2023

Justin Kinney, BioSafety Now, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 37.36.12, September 18, 2023

Seth Farber, Winston & Strawn, New York, New York, 37.37.12, September 25, 2023

Mihailis Diamantis, Iowa Law School, Iowa City, Iowa, 37.38.12, October 2, 2023

John Kindt, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, 37.39.12, October 9, 2023

Chad Parker, North Carolina Standards Division, Raleigh, North Carolina 37.40.12, October 16, 2023

Nick Bunch, Haynes & Boone, Dallas, Texas, 37.41.12, October 23, 2023

Andres Chang, Greenpeace USA, Washington, D.C., 37.42.12, October 30, 2023

David Engel, SUNY Buffalo School of Law, Buffalo, New York, 37.43.13, November 6, 2023

Rick Claypool, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 37.44.13, November 13, 2023

Keith Johnson, Augusta, Georgia, 37.45.12, November 20, 2023

Peter Reilly, Texas A&M School of Law, Ft. Worth, Texas, 37.46.12, November 27, 2023

Mikal Watts, Watts Guerra, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, 37.47.12, December 4, 2023

Timothy Whitehouse, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, 37.48.12, December 11, 2023


Gary Ruskin, U.S. Right to Know, Oakland, California, 38.01.12, January 1, 2024

John Quigley, Ohio State College of Law, Columbus, Ohio, 38.02.12, January 8, 2024

Cornelia Woll, Author of Corporate Crime and Punishment, Berlin, Germany, 38.03.12, January 15, 2024

Donald Cohen, In the Public Interest, Oakland, California, 38.04.12, January 22, 2024

William Lerach, San Diego, California, 38.05.12, January 29, 2024

Marc Dann, Cleveland, Ohio, 38.06.12, February 5, 2024

Ed Pierson, Foundation for Aviation Safety, Seattle, Washington, 38.07.13, February 12, 2024

Keisha Stanford, Partner, Jenner & Block, Washington, D.C., 38.08.13, February 19, 2024

Stavroula Lambrakopoulos, Partner, K&L Gates, Washington, D.C., 38.09.13, February 26, 2024

William Kovacic, GWU Law School, Washington, D.C., 38.10.12, March 4, 2024

Austin Frerick, Author of Barons (Island Press, 2024), Winterset, Iowa, 38.11.13, March 11, 2024

Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights, Toronto, Canada, 38.12.13, March 18, 2024

Stephen Kohn, Kohn Kohn & Colapinto, Washington, D.C., 38.13.12, March 25, 2025

Naoise Connolly Ryan, Cork, Ireland, 38.14.13, April 1, 2024

Les Bernal, Stop Predatory Gambling, Lawrence, Massachusetts 38.15.13, April 8, 2024

Jonny Frank, Partner, StoneTurn, New York, New York, 38.16.13, April 15, 2024

Samuel Buell, Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina, 38.17.13, April 22, 2024

Porter McConnell, Save the Post Office Coalition, Washington, D.C., 38.18.13, April 29, 2024

John Geyman, Friday Harbor, Washington, 38.19.14, May 6, 2024

Jeremy Horder, London School of Economics, London, UK, 38.20.14, May 13, 2024

Brian Knowles, Knowles Law Firm, Charleston, South Carolina, 38.21.14, May 20, 2024

Emily Kopp, US Right to Know, Oakland, California, 38.22.14, May 27, 2024

Kris Newby, Author of Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, 38.23.12, June 3, 2024

Mihailis Diamantis, Iowa Law School, Iowa City, Iowa, 38.24.13, June 10, 2024

Steven Solow, Washington, D.C., 38.25.13, June 17, 2024

Todd Haugh, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 38.26.13, June 24, 2024

Erin Applebaum, Kreindler & Kreindler, New York, New York, 38.27.13, July 1, 2024

Peter Reilly, Texas A&M Law, Ft. Worth, Texas, 38.28.12, July 8, 2024

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 38.29.12, July 15, 2024

Alan Morrison, GWU Law, Washington, D.C., 38.30.12, July 22, 2024

Theodore Frank, Federalist Society, Washington, D.C., 38.31.12, July 29, 2024

Samuel Levine, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C., 38.32.12, August 5, 2024

Vincent Cohen, Dechert, Washington, D.C., 38.33.12, August 26, 2024

Susan Greenhalgh, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 38.34.13, September 2, 2024

Ray Rogers, Corporate Campaign, New York, New York, 38.35.12, September 9, 2024

Jeff Ruch, PEER, Oakland California, 38.36.12, September 16, 2024

Marianne Karth, Raleigh, North Carolina, 38.37.12, September 23, 2024

Neil Getnick, Getnick & Getnick, New York, New York, 38.38.12, September 30, 2024

Basel Musharbash, Farm Action, Washington, D.C., 38.39.12, October 7, 2024

Ana Malinow, National Single Payer, San Francisco, California, 38.40.12, October 14, 2024

Phil Mattera, Violation Tracker, Washington, D.C., 38.41.12, October 21, 2024

Vani Hari, Charlotte, North Carolina, 38.42.12, October 28. 2024

Anat Admati, Stanford Law School, Stanford, California, 38.43.12, November 4, 2024

Jared Sullivan, Author of Valley So Low, 38.44.12, November 11, 2024

Melissa Jacoby, UNC School of Law, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 38.45.12, November 18, 2024

Anthony Grasso, University of Rutgers-Camden, Camden, New Jersey 38.46.12, November 25, 2024

Emma Marsano, Revolving Door Project, Washington, D.C., 38.47.12, December 2, 2024

Margot Susca, American University, Washington, D.C., 38.48.12, December 9, 2024


Jeff Clements, American Promise, Concord, Massachusetts, 39.01.12, January 6, 2025

Andrew Jennings, Emory Law School, Atlanta, Georgia, 39.02.12, January 13, 2025

Jonathan Porter, Partner, Husch Blackwell, Washington, D.C., 39.03.12, January 20, 2025

Gene Stilp, No TMI Restart, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 39.04.12, January 27, 2025

Greg Coleridge, Move to Amend, Cleveland, Ohio, 39.05.12, February 3, 2025

Deepa Padmanabha, Greenpeace USA, Washington, D.C., 39.06.12, February 10, 2025

Bartlett Naylor, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., 39.06.12, February 17, 2025

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