Steve Bannon took to the airwaves yesterday on his daily show War Room: Pandemic and called for a ban on all Nike and Apple products in the United States.
“Nike and Apple’s products should be banned in the United States of America,” Bannon said. “Woke Nike and Woke Apple are using slave labor in China. Their wokeness is a head fake and a diversion. Their business model is based upon the back breaking forced slave labor costs in China. That’s why their margins are so high. (Apple CEO) Tim Cook is the biggest phony in the world. The guys at Nike are the biggest phonies in the world. Look at the people you are stealing from. . . .Woke Apple that the Republicans and certain people in the Trump administration kowtow to, using slave labor.”
Bannon reprimanded Congressional Republicans for arguing that to stand up to China, “we’ve got to keep the concentration of power in these tech companies.”
“It’s exactly the opposite,” Bannon said. “That is a bald faced lie. The last thing we need is more empowerment of these tech companies. They are not interested in a fight with the Chinese Communist Party. These companies are all in business with the Chinese Communist Party. It’s outrageous to use this as an excuse.”
In another segment of his show yesterday, Bannon brought up an op-ed that ran in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week titled — How to Hold Beijing Accountable for the Coronavirus — Why did China cover up the epidemic? The most plausible explanation involves a Wuhan lab,” by Jamie Metzl.
Metzl served in the National Security Council and State Department in the Clinton administration. He is a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council, a member of the WHO international advisory committee on human genome editing, and author of Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity.
“To ensure everyone’s safety, the WHO and outside investigators must be empowered to explore all relevant questions about the origins of the pandemic without limits,” Metzl wrote. “This comprehensive forensic investigation must include full access to all of the scientists, biological samples, laboratory records and other materials from the Wuhan virology institutes and other relevant Chinese organizations.”
“Denying that access should be considered an admission of guilt by Beijing,” Metzl concluded.
On his podcast, Bannon read that portion of the op-ed and then said — Beijing is not just going to turn over the relevant information.
“Give them 72 hours to turn over everything,” Bannon said. “Then you drop the hammer on them. You sanction the banks. You sanction the individuals. You cut them off from the dollar. The only thing they understand is smash mouth.”