Federal Shareholder Lawsuits Down 24 Percent

Federal shareholder lawsuits fell 24 percent in the past year, according to a report from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).


The latest available data from the federal courts show that during September 2015 the government reported 26 new stockholders’ suits civil filings.

The fiscal year closed out with a total of 242 such suits, which is down considerably from activity in past years.

In fact, when FY 2015 civil filings of this type are compared with the previous fiscal year, their number was down nearly a quarter, or 24.1 percent.

Compared with five years ago, the data show that civil filings of this type are down 38.3 percent from levels reported in FY 2010.

There is great variation in the number of stockholders’ lawsuits filed in each of the nation’s ninety-four federal judicial districts.

Out of all 94 federal judicial districts, 54 districts had at least one stockholders’ lawsuit filed during FY 2015.

The Southern District of New York — with 37 civil filings — was the most active district during FY 2015. It also had the highest ratio of suits filed relative to its population.

The Northern District of California ranked second with 16 civil suits, followed closely by Nevada (15) and the Eastern District of Virginia (14).

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